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Friday, April 30, 2010

Taylor Swift becomes beautiful CoverGirl

Multi-platinum singer-songwriter Taylor Swift can now add COVERGIRL to her list of accomplishments. The 20-year-old, GRAMMY award-winning star has just finished shooting her first advertisements for the beauty giant, and will represent a new line of luxury products for the brand. The ads are scheduled to debut in January 2011.

With millions of fans worldwide, Swift has achieved remarkable success since first entering the country music scene in 2006. To date she has sold more than thirteen million albums and is the top-selling digital artist in music history. Her second album, Fearless, has spent more weeks in the top spot on Billboard’s all-genre Top 20 chart than any other album this decade. The GRAMMY Awards, the Country Music Association, the Academy of Country Music, and the American Music Awards all named Fearless the 2009 Country Album of the Year and, this year, the album won the all-genre GRAMMY Award for Album of the year. Last year, Swift earned the American Music Award for Artist of the Year and was the youngest artist ever to win the prestigious CMA Award for Entertainer of the Year.

“With her fresh beauty and authentic style, Taylor is a wonderful addition to the COVERGIRL family,” said Vince Hudson, General Manager, COVERGIRL Cosmetics. “Through all her success, Taylor remains a grounded and sincere woman who connects with fans everywhere just by being true to who she is. She personifies the iconic image of the brand while representing the next generation of both inner and outer beauty.”

“I am so excited to become the next COVERGIRL,” said Swift. “I have admired many of the COVERGIRLs since I was a little girl . . . great artists and actresses who are confident and still themselves. It’s like a dream come true to be a part of the future of COVERGIRL.” 


This is wayyy to cool~ She's so talented!






Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stupid Fan Girls. #2

You can't see the girls take it but you can see that first the hat was there then itsgone. I'm sorry but I still hate them, even thought they gave back the hat to Justin. But what kind of beliebers do that? Tsk. I'll keep my anger to myself.




The TTs when Eenie Meenie was released!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

@JBSource interviews Justin Bieber!

While Justin was in Australia.. @JBSource manage to do a quick interview with the man himself!! Lucky them!! @JBSource is run by 4 people and happens that 2 of the are Aussies!! Ello Mate!(did i said it right? lmao!) And the 2 that interviewed him were @JohannaSaidSo (Johanna) & @WeLove_JBieber (Ashleigh) via Twitter!

Justin was really sweet to Ash for being shy!! Awww... LOL!
Oke.. lets stop talking and start watching!!

Credits to: @JBSource
Follow me!!


(click the image to enlarge)


The hype for Eenie Meenie video release today!!

In about 2 hours.. The EENIE MEENIE video would be released on VEVO! And the hype has already started!! It is a TT at the moment! Hahaha!! Im excited!! The vid is gonna be hot~ I wonder if there's gonna be a kissing scene? Or would someone fine a kissing picture of Justin again. We'll find out!!


NZ~ school+concert :) + EM Parody

Bieber vs Glee

Matthew Morrison Vs. Justin Bieber

this is really happen ;
any glee fan here ? [yeah i am :)]

It will be great YAY!

The idea of having Justin Bieber guest star on Glee was brought up to the cast and it didn't sound like Matthew Morrison was on board! He said:

"I don't get this Bieber thing. I really don't get it. I hear he was in Australia and they kicked him out because he started a riot. I haven't even heard his music. I couldn't tell you one name of his songs — and I'm not lying about that!"

Get with it, Mr. Schuester!

read more here

another news!!
but bad news for beliebers :((
arghh wth
its about Billaboard chart

My World 2.0 is failing two slots to #3
but :))
My World up two spots to #8
YAY !!
glee just hit #1
up && down and GLEE?
the power of Madonna?? how much the power its?
we got the power of BIEBERBLAST . which everlasting ^_^


Beautiful Bieber :)

i have a real good news about Bieber

Teen heartthrob Justin Bieber has managed to find his way onto People's Most Beautiful List for 2010, alongside such longtime fan-favorite superstars as Julia Roberts and Daniel Craig.

What makes Bieber so beautiful? Well, maybe it has something to do with his "swoosh" hairstyle. "I spend five minutes on it," he explained. "I use shampoo, conditioner — basically whatever is in the hotel — and blow-dry. It's part of my image. It's not who I am."

read more here

i love his hair. [hairflip is really smexy]

sometime i'm really jealous because i don't have hair just like him

but that not make me can't be belieber rite .

awww~even i have hair like him , i can't beat his smile :) forsure

SO REMEMBER! This is Bieber's World. You're Just Living In It !

p/s: if he just come to your country , please don't steal his hat :)



The party never stops for the socialite, Kim Kardashian as she makes another fashion statement in Hollywood night out arena. Kim Kardashian was een at night wearing this lovely coat at night. The coat really matches Kim Kardashian's look for the night. She is not naked this time but still manages to look sexy at all. According to a Hollywood stylist, the trench coat cost more as it lloks to be. It is a designer trench coat that perfectly matches Kim Kardashian looks.


Sandra Bullock filed a divorce against husband, Jesse James. According to sources, the reason why Sanra Bullock filed a divorce because of the unfaithfulness of Jesse James. But when Sandra was asked about that, the did not gave answer at all. Sandra Bullock is also adopting a baby for herself. The baby's name is Louise Bardo Bullock. Jesse James will have no right for the baby because Sandra applied for single parenting adoption. After filing the divorce, Sandra Bullock went out of their house immediately to formalize the divorce proper.


The mix Martial Arts expert, Tito Ortiz was arrested because of domestic violence against Jenna Jameson. According reports, the injury inflicted to Jenna Jameson are very visible and Tito Ortiz was immediately arrested because of the complaint made by Jameson. For now, the case is sealed and investigators are still gathering more evidences against Tito Ortiz. Inmates in the jail will be very welcome to see their Ultimate fighting idol, Tito Ortiz, inside.


Who said that plastic surgery isn't good? Well, this seems god for playboy and supermodel, Heidi Montag. She is now benefiting from the plastic surgery for her body. Many offers are coming in for Heidi Montag because her body is what they want to see. Play Boy is very interested to see Heidi Montag in front of their magazine. But as offers are rudhing in, Heidi Montag is still looking for that great offer for her.

Justin Bieber In NZ

New Zealand arrival video under! Emah Hira Matiu, 17, drove from Hamilton to the airport to steal Justin Bieber's hat and she won't give it back unless she get a hug. The thief said she grabbed it off his head when he arrived at Auckland Airport last night and then ran out of the airport with her friend Beki..

..Diamond, 16, before anyone could stop her. 'We just ran and ran and ran.. before I died of exhaustion. Technically we should be at school. We tweeted at Justin, everything, just to let Justin know. If he doesn't reply I'm gonna keep it for ever and ever and ever and ever. We pretty much stalked him.' Police said Matiu could face a theft charge if Bieber laid a complaint.

Fan Craze



If you are of a slightly sensitive nature you may wish to carry on in blissful ignorance and not watch this very amazing video.

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

Romain Gavras is a pretty awesome video director. Certainly a man who does not do anything by halves and I imagine is quite intense. Also responsible for the Justice - Stress video - which I found made me not want to go to London for a while - he is a man of great talents.

On a different note... YEY! M.I.A. is back! I properly think she is a role model.

MarediModa/IntimodiModa coming soon

Maredimoda Intimodimoda, the international invitation-only show for beach and underwear fabrics Made in Europe, has officially announced the dates for its ninth edition, backed by results from the last fair, which showed an increase in visitors of more than 8% compared to 2008 (3,161 instead of 2,920), when 15 more exhibitors took part.

For over 100 exhibitors it was a chance to meet buyers from the 800 most qualified manufacturers in the world, representing 70 countries including Italy, France, Spain, Great Britain, the United States, Japan and Russia. These figures reward careful selection of exhibitors through meticulous internal procedures, the quality of the products on show, an unusual formula and the work environment at a fair which is univocally recognised as being the unique unrivalled benchmark for the highest representation of European collections for beach and underwear. This result, confirmed and emphasised by sample interviews carried out in the fair just a few hours before it closed, must also be seen as a fairly strong signal of confidence regarding the new-found enthusiasm of buyers in Cannes.

“The next edition of MarediModa/IntimodiModa”, stresses President Claudio Taiana, “will feature important evolution in terms of supply. In the first place, we will be dedicating more space and a new format to the trend forum, coming up with a big-impact truly innovative formula. We will be hosting and sponsoring an important international forum in the wake of last year’s success, we will give more visibility and value to the dedicated Outsourcing area that we were the first to introduce as a qualified model of alternative production. We are extremely pleased to see that our example has been followed by other international shows. We will be presenting activity category models regarding the real opportunities that outsourcers have if they no longer target the Far East, but look to North Africa or Eastern Europe: Maredimoda Intimodimoda will in fact be at the Salon De la Lingerie in Tunis in April with a view to further strengthening relationships with our North African partners. We will also see the second act of THE LINK, the world’s most ambitious talent scouting competition, involving the 100 most famous creativity schools in Europe. Its debut far exceeded expectations for the quality of the work presented by the students involved”.

Mention must also be made of the huge investment already made in terms of resources and energy into the underwear section, set to play a decisive role in the short term for the fair due also to its scheduling and strategic positioning. First-time previews of collections will be organised for top buyers and co-marketing with exhibitors will be fine-tuned. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ferrari On Fire (Singapore)

This must be somewhere in Cityhall area.


I would never try bungee jumping.. But if all of my friends are doing in.. I might just do it too.. #peerpressure

Stupid Fan Girls.


Justin Bieber arrived late last night in New Zealand, and is surrounded by 1000+ fans. he tries to take pictures and sign autographs for fans but they are too un-undercontrol so the sercuity stop him. while he was trying to walk through the airport YOU GIRLS TRIP HIS MOM, CAUSING HER TO FALL ON HER FACE. And while they helped her up YOU JACKED HIS HAT!

And now your smiling about it?! what is your problem?

you know justin loves his purple hats, he even said on his twitter he was sad “someone” stole his hat.



Hit-Girl have Bieber Fever??

She have got to be the most adorable actress ATM for me~ @ChloeGMoretz is the star from the movie KickAss playing Hit-Girl! And guess what she confessed on The Ellen DeGeneres show?

*Giggles* "I have Bieber Fever" *LOL and blushed*

Hahaha!! she soooo adorable.. its cute the way she said it. And she's definately a Belieber coz she does spam Justin to follow her!! She's funny in person. Gotta love this girl~

Here's the interview!

Haha!! Cute right? She looked younger and smaller in the movies. I was surprised to see how tall she is~ Haha!! Well if you're curious about the tweets she send out to Justin.. U dont have to search.. I got it here for u!

Her recent tweet to Justin

This is the SPAM that she was talking about on the interview! LOL!

Wearing Supra coz of Justin?? Maybe~ When u have Bieber Fever.. Why not..

Do you guys think that Justin knows about Chloe?? Well.. I think he knows.. Why?? Well coz Dan Kanter(Justin Guitarist) tweeted to Chloe about watching her on Ellen. Its wayyyyy too impossible that Dan won't be telling it to Justin right?? So Chloe.. If u happen to read this.. I think u have a chance on getting followed/reply/DM from him! Even better.. Meeting him one day!

Here is Dan's tweet to Chloe!!

Leave a comment and tell us what u think!
Follow me!



New Zealand :)

On his latest stop Down Under, Justin Bieber did what he does best: spark teen hysteria.

Following the cancellation of the pop phenom's only public show in Australia, the star was greeted by hundreds of screaming fans when he arrived in New Zealand.

According to The New Zealand Herald, about 500 fans met the teen heartthrob's arrival with "excited screams and shrieks" Tuesday night (April 27) local time at Auckland International Airport.

Many fans had waited for four hours until he touched down.

On the heels of Bieber's canceled show in Sydney, airport officials beefed up security to ensure safety.

The Herald also reported that security has been increased at the singer's hotel and performance venue, South Auckland's Academic Colleges Group Strathallen school.

Bieber is scheduled to be in New Zealand for only one day.
Despite the hysteria, the star seems to be enjoying his time Down Under.

before steal

after steal

the girls who stole his hat

it's look hard
hat stolen.knock down :((
but go bieber :))
your fans really crazy for you

Eenie Meenie Miny Mo

can't wait this :))
we will post the video
so keep updates guy
or you u can watch it yourself on youtube .


Justin Beiber ft The Game ??

The Game has recently been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, rap beef, court cases etc.

But the New York MC has finally had something nice to say about someone with his recent comments on Usher’s protégé, Justin Bieber.

The Game said in a recent interview: “I like the kid. I seen him perform. He’s a livewire. He gets it done. He’s another artist that breaks the colour lines. I love when people come along and they do that. Everybody loves this kid and he seems like a good kid. More power to him.”

Justin Beiber ft The Game, we can see it already!

who is The Game --> check him out <---

another story :)

Nick Jonas dished to J-14 that he and his brothers have a nickname for Justin Bieber.
According to the Jonas Brothers, there’s only room for one JB on the block. Nick said: ‘Bustin Jieber, that’s what we call him!’.
Nickname because they are jealous? ‘Justin’s a good person.
I’ve met him a couple times. He’s a really nice person!’

many celeb got the bieber fever .
justin bieber really a virus
amazing virus



Mariah Carey's rep has denied reports that the singer is expecting her first child with husband Nick Cannon. Carey, 40, has made no secret of her desire to start a family with her comedian husband Cannon, 29. but her people are denying the claim after pictures surfaced of the singer looking like she's put on a few pounds. if she's not pregnant, then Mariah Carey should lose some weight so that she can get pregnant. Mariah Carey is already 40 years old that is not good.


Kim Kardashian goes nude in the new issue of Harpers Bazaar . Kim Kardashian reveals what she really think of her (unretouched) bodies. No need to make any computer enhancements for the body that Kim Kardashian has. Her beautiful body is the best example for a sexy body.

Watch Twilight Saga: Eclipse Online Free?

I must admit I am a fan of the Twilight Saga film series. I have watched Twilight, New Moon and I will definitely watch The Twilight Saga Eclipse. I can't wait for it. Eclipse will be released on June 30, 2010. That's a bit far from now though. Yay, I wish I could watch it very soon. According to wikipedia:

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is an upcoming romantic-fantasy film scheduled for release on June 30, 2010.[4] It is based on Stephenie Meyer's Eclipse and will be the third installment of The Twilight Saga film series, following 2008's Twilight and 2009's New Moon. Summit Entertainment greenlit the film in February 2009.[4] Directed by David Slade, the film will star Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, reprising their roles as Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black, respectively.[5] Melissa Rosenberg will be returning as screenwriter.[6] Bryce Dallas Howard will play Victoria, replacing Rachelle Lefevre who previously played her.[7] It will be the first Twilight film to be released in IMAX.[8]

Speaking of watching Twiligh Saga: Eclipse, I searched online for "Watch Twilight Saga: Eclipse free" ," Watch Twilight Saga Eclipse online free ", "Download Twilight Saga Eclipse free" and the results showed a number of unsafe websites to visit. As a matter of fact, to my surprise some websites are offering for free, downloads for this yet to be released movie. I dread if someone will click the download button, what kind of viruses, spywares and other malicious programs will they be downloading to their computers. While other sites offer the Twilight Saga Eclipse free streaming after you answer certain surveys, which I am inclined to believe to be nothing but scams and bullSh*t!

Just a piece of advice to everyone, if you see any link promising free Eclipse streaming or free Eclipse downloads be it in "rapidshare, megavideos, megaupload, torrent sites, hotfile, etc", don't click these links. No matter how desperate are you in your desire to watch Twilight Saga: Eclipse movie free online, just don't visit these links. It's for your own sake. The Eclipse movie will certainly be a hit and I believe many of the not so good guys will capitalize on this. So please be extra cautious.

How to watch Twilight Saga: Eclipse online free? I'm sorry that's not possible without violating Copyright. But you can always watch it in theaters as soon as it is released for public viewing.

Darwin Deez

death by audio|darwin deez|march '09 from darwin deez on Vimeo.

In a cold academic office on a Tuesday, lots to do to seem like I am worthwhile, fiddly annoying bits all day that seem inconsequential. In my lunch break editing an essay for my Masters. Go home and carry on editing. Possibly eat some mackrel. Read, read, read, make notes for a meeting tomorrow.

I don't have one bit of motivation and would much rather be in the above situation.

Darwin Deez.

Monday, April 26, 2010

CK’s multi-brand runway show features 100 looks from fall

Calvin Klein Inc announced that the company’s Creative Directors – Francisco Costa (women’s Calvin Klein Collection), Italo Zucchelli (men’s Calvin Klein Collection), and Kevin Carrigan (ck Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Jeans) – traveled to China to host a multi-brand runway show this past weekend. The event featured 100 looks from the Fall 2010 apparel and accessories lines on more than 70 models from around the world for a vip audience that spanned the worlds of fashion, art, sports, and media.

Joining Messrs. Costa, Zucchelli, and Carrigan, were Tom Murry, President & CEO, Calvin Klein, Inc., and many other notables including actress Eva Mendes, Hidetoshi Nakata, Lim Soo Jung, Liu Ye, Du Juan, Chinese pop band, SuperVC, Georgina Wilson, and Fernando Marcos “Borgy” Manotoc – all of whom were wardrobed by Calvin Klein Collection.

Those in attendance who were wardrobed by ck Calvin Klein included Taiwanese actor/model Ethan Ruan and supermodel Liu Wen, who closed the show and is currently featured in the ck Calvin Klein Spring 2010 advertising campaign.

Other notables in attendance included Lilin Wong, Zheng Gang, Veronica Chou, Jacqueline Zhao Jun, Jing Xing, Han Feng, Qiu Hao, Lu Kun, Bo Soong, B6, Zero Lin, Trevor Lai, Yang Yaqi, Samuel Bourdin, Hua Shen Xian, She Ya Jing, Yang Zi, Luo Yi, Sun Zhe, Su Mang, Grant Pearce, Christina Ong, Beng Seng Ong, and Formula One’s Bernie Ecclestone.

The event also marked the launch of Calvin Klein X Underwear, the latest offering to be introduced globally from Calvin Klein Underwear. Famed Japanese soccer star Hidetoshi Nakata – one of the four high-profile athletes and actors featured in the brands’ new global advertising campaign – hosted the official after-party, in a space adjacent to the presentation which had been transformed for the evening, while New York DJ Stretch Armstrong led the music for the evening.

The event featured a special installation with 20 live underwear models impactfully positioned throughout the industrial space on red scissor lifts, against a backdrop of oversized video screens playing the new Calvin Klein X Underwear video – also featuring American actors Kellan Lutz, Mehcad Brooks and Spanish tennis star, Fernando Verdasco.

The invitation-only event was held at Bund 1919, a landmark building and former textile factory, situated on the scenic Huangpu River in the Wu Song area of the Baoshan district in Shanghai.

Smart Bro Internet Connection Problem Fixed!

What a relief! The Smart Bro Team came by the house today and fixed our internet connection. We've been experiencing unstable internet connection for over a month now, which resulted to serious consequences in terms of my online money making and social networking. Finally, we now have a steady internet. It's only been an hour since the connection was fixed so we are still observing.

According the Smart Bro Team, the "base" from which we used to derive our connection is experiencing technical problems. They transferred the position of the antenna and faced it to another "station base". The only problem with our present connection as of this time is the speed. The internet speed has been downgraded to only 390kbps from the original 500kbps. They say it's because of the "station base". I just hope in the next few days the internet speed will increase.

To those who are using Smart Bro and you are experiencing slow to no internet connectivity you can call SMART BRO hotline, toll free at "*1888", without quotes. Do have your SRN- Service Reference Number on hand as you will be required to give it. It is easier now to talk to a Smart Bro Customer Representative because the service is localized. By that I mean, when you call, you will be entertained by "Bisaya-speaking" representative or "Tagalog-speaking" representative depending on your location as determined by the origin of your call. :)

Justin Bieber is more talented ??

Usher admit it.

Usher has predicted that his protégé Justin Bieber's career will be more successful than his own because the 16-year old is a 'more talented musician' than he was as a teenager.

Usher claimed: "You haven't seen the best of him. He is a pop craze like The Beatles. They started out as pure pop artists and look what they became over the years."
"Justin reminds me of myself at that age, only he's a much more talented musician than I was. He taught himself piano and guitar. I couldn't, so he has that advantage.

The R n B star added: "This isn't about his age and we're never going to appease a crowd. His audience will grow with him. I started out when I was a teenager. Now, 45 million albums later…"

Read more HERE

Justin Bieber really the next MJ.




ans of rocker Bret Michaels are praying for his recovery, as he remains in critical condition from a brain hemorrhage. The 47-year-old star of VH-1’s “Rock of Love” was rushed to an L.A. hospital Thursday following severe headaches. Bret Michael was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of six, which may be complicating his condition. Let us pray for the fast recovery of Bret Michaels for the rock industry will never be the same without him.


Accidents can do happen anytime. Rihanna, the hottest pop artist right now, fell out of stage while performing on Franch with live audience. According to the reports, the fall did not hurt Rihanna that much. She just suffered some bruises and little hurt on the area of her body that hit the floor. To all Rihanna fans out there, she will be okay. The pain in the fall is not that much compared to the bruises that she got from Chris Brown.


Recently in a conversation with his cousin, Jared Marion showed a family tattoo and revealed that Justin Bieber also had this tattoo done around his stomach.

The family tattoo comes for the book "Jonathon Livingstone Seagull" by author Richard Bach.

The work expresses timeless idea about human behaviour and there is a passage that says "You have the freedom to be who u are, be yourself, here and now, and nothing can get in your way"

The Seagull picture of the tattoo.

The whole family have them~ Crediits to Justin Bieber Shrine







Sunday, April 25, 2010

Really Bad News :((

Global phenomenon Justin Bieber's only Australian public performance caused such an enormous crowd to descend on Sydney's Overseas Passenger Terminal that police had to cancel it due to safety concerns.

As of 4.30am, Monday 26 April, the police shut the gates to the area and said that due to safety concerns no more fans would be permitted into the area.

Around 5.20am, with the forecourt area at full capacity and fans still arriving, the police ordered Sunrise to cancel

the performance.
