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Friday, December 31, 2010


What a great day to see LeAnn Rimes with her fiance Eddie Cibrian in Mexico. LeAnn Rimes was wearing her string bikini while enjoying the company of her fiance Eddie Cibrian. The couple were very sweet to one another but just like any Hollywood celebrity, their marriage is doomed to end sooner of later. Not all marriages in Hollywood last a lifetime and many Hollywood stars fall in love, get married and get a divorce immediately. But still congratulation to LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian.


David Beckham denies a allegation of a prostitute that David Beckham had an affair with her in 2007. Because of this allegation, David Beckham has filed a 25 million lawsuit against Irma Nici for this scandalous allegation. David Beckham has denied the sex event in 2007 saying that he never made any sexual intercourse with a prostitute and the allegation is very devastating for a family man like David Beckham. The prostitute said that David Beckham made several sex event with her in 2007 in whice David Beckham fully denied all the events as Irma Nici declared.

Happy New Year!

Well, it was quite eventful year for this here website thingy. We saw over 15 million hits on just under 8000 posts where all you crazy kids left about one million comments. As a friend of mine likes to say, blogging is like a homework assignment that's never done but always due. But somehow after almost seven years of JMG, I'm having even more fun than ever, thanks largely to hugely participative nature of what we do here and all of your emails, tips, and hard work.

Here's just a few highlights from a very busy JMG year: We got some nice recognition from a major media personality for our part in bringing down a loathsome homophobe. We freeped polls, crashed the website of an anti-gay gubernatorial candidate, and sent uncountable minions demanding redress from corporations. We were thrust unexpectedly into the national media due to the hate speech of a Senate staffer whose equally homophobic boss was forced into a public apology. I made my network television debut and cohosted my first fundraiser for a U.S. Senator. For the cherries on 2010, I was humbled to be honored by the Ali Forney Center and to be named Best Political Blog by the Village Voice.

And I was lucky enough to meet hundreds of you great folks at JMG meet-ups in Las Vegas, San Francisco, Fort Lauderdale, Philadelphia, and Montreal and New York! Whew! I'm grateful to all of you for continuing readership, for your unflagging commitment to equality, and for your, ahem, vociferous participation here in the JMG community. Tonight, I'll be raising my glass to each and every one of you. I'll be raising it a lot! Thank you all.

Happy New Year...with Seacrest in NYC! Dazzliing Vegas-style soirees!

Holly Madison & a drinkie-pooh!

While MySpace pal Ryan Seacrest excitedly rehearses for Dick Clark's wildly extravagant annual New Year's bash to unfold tonight (where one million strong are expected to trek into the "Big Apple" in NYC to toast the town) - a host of party-hearty midnight-madness revellers - are pondering where to ring 2011 in (even in the 11th hour).

Without doubt - a posse of 'em will brave the elements as they ceremoniously join in on the much-anticipated fun-filled "count-down" (naked so-to-speak) in the packed mean streets of Manhattan.

Elsewhere - in the desert Oasis - 'neath twinkling stars or stormy romantic backdrop - the madding crowds in Vegas will be toasting each other, kissing the air cheek-to-cheek, and bidding adieu to economic blues just about behind 'em.

Of course, it's a no-brainer in another respect, too.

Thousands of chic gamblers will be elegantly dressed to-the-nines - as they engage in a glorious search for an upbeat indoor soiree - guaranteed to elevate the mood and ring in Lady Luck!

The tony well-heeled elite may be trotting into a couple of the high-profile destinations listed below where charismatic hosts will be presiding over the festive proceedings:


*Kim Kardashian

*B.o.B. & Bruno Mars

*Holly Madison



*Paul Okenfold


   Bellagio Hotel

   Mirage Hotel

   Aria Hotel


Ryan DJ baby & Clark the chart-tracker !


Thank You, Governor Paterson

As his final day in office winds to a close for Governor David Paterson, LGBT New Yorkers should offer him our thanks for being the most relentlessly and loudly pro-gay governor in state and arguably, national history. Our state movement's two most important pieces of legislation, GENDA and marriage equality, remain unattained, but that, of course, is due to our clown car of a state Senate and is no fault of the governor's.

Paterson, to his everlasting credit and over the loud protests of bigots, issued an executive order protecting state employees in New York from discrimination based on gender identity and expression. In May 2008, he directed state agencies to recognize out of state same-sex marriages, a move countered by numerous (and unsuccessful) lawsuits. And if there was a marriage equality rally or an angry protest, we usually showed up to find Governor Paterson at the podium or on a bullhorn. Probably my most memorable moment of Paterson's tenure was watching him stand in a pouring rain in Washington Square to deliver an impassioned speech against the bullying and abuse of LGBT youth.

And let's not forget Gov. Paterson's unexpected selection of an obscure upstate legislator with wobbly bona fides to fill the formidable shoes of then Sen. Hillary Clinton. Many questioned that move at the time (myself included), but Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has surprised us all and turned into a powerful and effective advocate for LGBT New Yorkers. Sen. Gillibrand may turn out to be Paterson's most enduring legacy for the good of our movement.

We've had the occasional disagreement with Gov. Paterson, in particular the continuing exclusion of indigent HIV patients from the state's rent relief program for the seriously ill. But even that bad decision grew out of the state's financial morass and not from animus. Today, let's thank Governor David Paterson for his support of the LGBT community and hope that one day soon, we'll again see thousands of New Yorkers happily marching in the NYC Pride Parade wearing stickers proclaiming "We Luv Our Guv!"

Doomsday Approaches

Tickets Now On Sale...

Get tickets here.

Jukebox The Ghost - Schizophrenia

I knew I'd leave something major out of yesterday's year-end top ten list. Argh! This definitely should have been in my top five. Play LOUD.

Wyoming GOP Plans To Block Recognition Of Gay Marriages From Other States

GOP lawmakers in Wyoming plan to introduce legislation banning the recognition of same-sex marriages from other states. Such a move failed in 2009, but the plan is to put the issue to voters.
State law defines marriage as a legal union between a man and woman, but Wyoming also recognizes marriages performed in other states. Rep. Owen Petersen of Mountain View says that raises questions about what happens when gay couples from other states move to Wyoming. Petersen and Sen. Curt Meier of LaGrange say they plan to co-sponsor a resolution that would let voters decide whether to amend the state constitution to clarify.

GOP Wants To End All Future Lame Ducks

Under their proposed legislation, Congress would permanently adjourn on the day after election day.

New Year's Fireworks From Sydney

2000 Vs 2010: What Has Changed

Nearly a billion more people in just ten years and almost twice as many endangered species. Embiggen for a better look.


The Bermuda Triangle

JMG should be in there for some of you, I bet. Also, do the kids today even know about the Bermuda Triangle?


Liberty Counsel: Terrorists Are Laughing Themselves Silly Over Repeal Of DADT

NOM Interviews Michael Steele

Even though he holds a slim chance of reelection, NOM included current RNC chair Michael Steele in their vettings of all the candidates for the position he now occupies. Steele says that should the courts ultimately strike down Prop 8, he'd support a renewed push for the Federal Marriage Amendment. Transcript by Towleroad:
Without hesitation or doubt. In fact we would partner with our leadership in the House and our governors and leadership in the state legislatures to create a very very strong front line if you will, on that issue. I can't again stress how important that is for how we will lead as a people, and how we will see ourselves as a nation. And again, that is not to the exclusion of anyone, it's not anti- anyone, or any group. It's just so fundamental and foundational, I think it needs to be protected."

Tap Tap Tap

Is anybody working today? What are your plans for tonight?

Magic of Maaji swimwear will continue to mesmerise in 2011

Maaji swimwear is known by fashionistas across the globe for their stunning swimwear. The new 2011 swimwear collection is pretty and feminine. Each piece is made using a fusion of retro prints in soft to the touch swimwear, beachwear materials. Buttons, bows, frills and embellishments are used to make the swimwear quirky and unique. There is nothing else in the market remotely like this South American swimwear brand.

For those who don’t know Maaji – let us at Sandstorm Boutique provide a little information about them for you. We at Sandstorm Boutique love working with Maaji Swimwear and we provide their gorgeous collections to our customers based across the globe. The 2011 Collection is simply stunning and we are sure it will be a big hit with both our established customers and new customers in the coming year.

The Maaji swimwear look is subtle – it is not overtly sexy or in your face. This makes the swimwear suitable for; kids, teenagers and women who are in their 20, 30s or 40s ...... in fact it is great for any women who like to be ‘on trend’ on the beach - no matter what their age!

Read more about  Magic of Maaji swimwear will continue to mesmerise in 2011 @ Fibre2fashion

View more  Maaji swimwear  Images

Thursday, December 30, 2010


In a few hours, we will all be welcoming the year 2011!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see what's in store for me next year =))

Wherever you are tonight either going for countdown, celebrating at home with family or going to church, I hope all of you would have a good time welcoming the New Year...

With that, wishing all of you that the next year would be filled with everlasting glow of happiness, merriment and good fortune!!

Till next year....Cheers!

Broadway Friday

- Spider-Man lead Natalie Mendoza is permanently leaving the accident-plagued show, citing continuing dizziness from a concussion suffered during the first preview. In other incidents, one actor broke both his wrists, another broke both his ankles. Mendoza's replacement has not been announced. The show continues in previews towards a February 7th official opening.

- Tony nominee John Leguizamo's new solo show, Ghetto Klown, begins previews at the Lyceum on February 21st for a 12-week limited run.

- Andrew Lloyd Weber will launch a U.S. reality show search for the lead in his stateside production of The Wizard Of Oz. His West End production opens in February with added numbers by Weber and his longtime collaborator Tim Rice.

- Women On The Verge will close three weeks early this Sunday.

-Well-known Manhattan cabaret singer David Gurland suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage on Wednesday. Gurland is a frequent performer at The Duplex and Don't Tell Mama.

- Billy Crudup and Raul Esparza will star in the revival of Tom Stoppard's stage comedy, Arcadia, which begins a limited run on February 25th.

- The creators of South Park come to Broadway on March 24th with their musical look at the founding of the Mormon Church, The Book Of Mormon.

- Sunday's blizzard did a number on Broadway attendance, with even tickets for the eternally sold out Wicked coming available at the last minute. Still, a number of houses did record-breaking business for the holiday week.

- Ann Harada (Avenue Q, Les Miz) will star with the NYC Gay Men's Chorus at their gala fundraiser on February 28th.

GOProud: Conservatives LOVE Gays! Cenk Uygur: On WHAT Planet?

Michael Medved: Lesbian Sex Is Better, Because It Hurts To Take It In The Ass

"The politically correct attitude not only insists that heterosexual and homosexual relationships are equivalent, but also erases differences between relationships between two women and relationships between two men. If men and women are profoundly different-and both science and common sense tell us they are- then an all-female couple is even more different from an all-male couple than either homosexual bond differs from a heterosexual union.

"This distinction helps explain the oft-noted quirk in public attitudes that sees stronger opposition and denunciation, in the Old Testament and elsewhere, to a physical relationship between two males and intimacy between two females. A physical connection between a female couple, like a physical connection between man and woman, is based primarily on acts of affection. The most common sexual practice between two men involves an act of aggression ---inflicting more pain than pleasure for at least one of the parties. Even decisions by Congress, equating homosexual and heterosexual relationships, or erasing distinctions between the interaction between lesbians on the one hand and gay males on the other, cannot repeal politically incorrect realities." - Wingnut mental case and failed movie critic Michael Medved, writing from beneath a dead squirrel for the website of Seattle's KTTH radio.

(Tipped by JMG reader Chris)