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Monday, January 31, 2011

Yee Sang

Yee Sang is a Teochew-style raw fish salad. It usually consists of strips of raw fish (most commonly salmon), mixed with shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces and condiments, among other ingredients.

                                                                Yee Sang

However, it can be improvised. Now modernly, it's not really a MUST to have raw fish. You can mix it up. Like my household, we even use steamed prawns =)

Chinese toss the yee sang(the higher the better) with chopsticks for good wishes to come true, longevity, good health, prosperity and any good things you can think of! =)
It's a tradition usually served during the reunion dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year where families come together.

This coming Chinese New Year, to date, I ate yee sang twice already(once in my house and another in college) Then tonight, I'm going to eat again and tomorrow another time for the reunion dinner LOLZ

I have never eaten so much yee sang in my life and it's not even CNY yet *laughs*

Honestly, I'm not really a fan of yee sang. First of, I don't even know most of the dishes served in the yee sang as it has a variety of different things and colours!

But I eat because people around me eat it and it's tradition! *laughs*  Eating small portion of it won't harm so might as well join in the fun! =)

Swag Tuesday

Courtesy of the Karpel Group, today's Swag Tuesday prize is two tickets to Kylie Minogue's May 4th concert at Manhattan's Hammerstein Ballroom. Tickets to Kylie's North American tour are now on sale via Ticketmaster and the artist's website.
April 28 Montreal Bell Centre
April 29 Boston, MA Agganis Arena
April 30 Washington DC GMU Patriot Center
May 2 NYC, NY Hammerstein Ballroom
May 3 NYC, NY Hammerstein Ballroom
May 4 NYC, NY Hammerstein Ballroom
May 6 Atlanta, GA Fox Theatre
May 7 Fort Lauderdale, FL BankAtlantic Center
May 8 Orlando, FL Hard Rock Live Orlando
May 10 Houston, TX Verizon Wireless Theatre
May 12 Mexico City Sports Palace
May 14 Guadalajara, Mexico Auditorio Telmex
May 16 Monterrey, Mexico Arena
May 18 Dallas, TX Verizon Theatre
May 20 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Bowl
May 21 San Francisco, CA Bill Graham Auditorium
May 22 Las Vegas, NV Caesars Palace
Enter to win the tickets by commenting on this post. Only enter once and please remember to leave your email address in the text of your comment. If you cannot be in Manhattan on the day of the concert, your winning entry is transferable to your favorite Kylie fan. Entries close on Thursday at midnight, west coast time. Publicists: If you'd like to take part in Swag Tuesday on JMG, please email me.

RuPaul's Drag Race - Queens In Space

Stay out of the comments if you haven't yet seen tonight's episode. Otherwise jump in and dish about the challenge and the elimination.

Dubya's Daughter For New York Marriage

The younger Barbara Bush has joined her mother in endorsing same-sex marriage. The New York Times comments on the kids of prominent Republicans:
Ms. Bush is the latest child of a prominent Republican leader to embrace same-sex marriage, long considered anathema to the conservative movement. Gay rights advocates have been quick to seize on the generational split as evidence that the acceptance of same-sex marriage is blind to party affiliation and family values. Meghan McCain, the daughter of John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, has become an outspoken supporter of same-sex marriage, despite her father’s opposition to it. And Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, has forcefully backed it as well — and is widely credited with helping to persuade her father to do the same. In the case of Mr. McCain, Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush, it is not just their children who have supported it. So, to varying degrees, have their wives. Laura Bush, in a television interview in May, said, “When couples are committed to each other and love each other” they should have “the same sort of rights that everyone has.”

Signs That A Guy is Flirting!

 Before we discuss some of the common signs of flirting exhibited by men, let us first define what flirting means. According to the dictionary, flirting means:

To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures.
To deal playfully, triflingly, or superficially with: flirt with danger.
To move abruptly or jerkily.
How do men flirt?  Men often flirt by showing their masculinity. They tend to put emphasis on exuding their being "masculine, their being "macho", as they think it attracts the female species. So how do men flirt? What are the common signs that a guy is flirting with you? Take the following signs that  a guy, is flirting  with you, although the list does not hold true all the time.

Common Signs That a Guy is Flirting with you:


* Arches his back.
* Sways his pelvis.
* Laughs loudly.
* Tugs his tie.
* Clasps back of his neck.
* Squares his shoulders.
* Puffs his chest.
* Stiffens his stance.
* Teases you in a friendly manner, such as by calling you names.
* Winks at you from a distance.
* Always compliments you.
* Smiles suggestively.
* Engages in direct eye contact.
* Casually touches you.

In the modern world with the advent of cellphones and social networking sites, he:

* texts/calls you often
* sends you suggestive messages
* always gets in touch with you on social networking sites by commenting on your every posts, every photo, every video (take this sign with extra caution as this is not conclusive, but you will know if a guy is flirting with you.)

Trust your intuition. Trust that woman instinct of yours which will give you that feel that a guy is flirting with you. A woman will always feel it. But remember to never jump into conclusions when it comes to matters like this. If you feel like a guy might like you, don't spread the word publicly. Keep it to yourself. Wait till he proposes or tells you upfront.  Otherwise you might end up embarrassed of your premature judgment and arrogance! :)

Hope you like this article. Subscribe or like my page on Facebook!

Gibbs Dodges Obama '96 Question

Outgoing White House press secretary Robert Gibbs today once again dodged Washington Blade reporter Chris Johnson's questions about the president's 1996 position on same-sex marriage. One gets the sense that Gibbs is so ready to be through with this job.

EGYPT: Google Launches Speak-To-Tweet

Google has created a work-around for Egyptians cut off from the internet. Via the company's official blog:
Like many people we’ve been glued to the news unfolding in Egypt and thinking of what we could do to help people on the ground. Over the weekend we came up with the idea of a speak-to-tweet service—the ability for anyone to tweet using just a voice connection. We worked with a small team of engineers from Twitter, Google and SayNow, a company we acquired last week, to make this idea a reality. It’s already live and anyone can tweet by simply leaving a voicemail on one of these international phone numbers (+16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855) and the service will instantly tweet the message using the hashtag #egypt. No Internet connection is required. People can listen to the messages by dialing the same phone numbers or going to twitter.com/speak2tweet. We hope that this will go some way to helping people in Egypt stay connected at this very difficult time. Our thoughts are with everyone there.
Nice work, Google.

Filed Under: WTF?

Mark King On Florida's ADAP Crisis

More than half of the nation's AIDS patients who are on waiting lists to get medications are in Florida. Last week Sen. Bill Nelson wrote both the president and Florida Gov. Rick "Medicare Fraud" Scott, warning of a catastrophic public health crisis over the lack of ADAP funding. In the below clip, South Florida AIDS activist Mark S. King lays out the situation and what can be done about it.

FLORIDA: Activist Judge Kowtows To GOP Agenda, Strikes Down Health Care Law

The right wing loathes those activist judges who are always imposing their agendas on the American people. Except when those judges are GOP appointees and do their bidding.
A federal judge in Florida has struck down the Obama administration's requirement that nearly all Americans buy health insurance, and questioned the constitutionality of the entire health care law. "I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the Act with the individual mandate," wrote U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, the second federal jurist to rule against law that Obama signed last year. Two other judges have sided with the administration on the issue that may well wind up in the Supreme Court. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., sakd the decision confirms that "the health spending bill is a massive overreach and Democrats 'exceeded the bounds' of Congressional authority." Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, praised the ruling, saying that "Congress does not have the legal authority to tell Utahns and other Americans that they must buy health insurance or else."
It's totally legal and fair to require people to carry auto insurance. But not health insurance, cuz that's totally communist!

ARIZONA: Illegal Gun Sales Continue

Gothamist notes: "One investigator was able to pay cash for a .9 mm semiautomatic even after telling the seller he probably wouldn't pass a background check. Instead of refusing the sale, as required by federal law, the gun peddler pockets the $500 and directs his shady customer toward the tent with the cheap ammunition."

HomoQuotable - Chris Barron

"With the gay left it’s all stick and no carrot. Instead of working to change hearts and minds the angry gay left would rather go on witch hunts. The witch hunts by the professionally outraged gay protestor class may feel good, but I think they are incredibly counter-productive. To most of the world a chicken sandwich is just a chicken sandwich and folks who try to politicize everything usually end up doing more harm to their cause at the end of the day." - GOProud head Chris Barron, who also tweeted "The gay left = the American Taliban. Hateful, angry and dumb as shit."

Sarah Palin & The Moose

Wife Of Totally Gay "Ex-Gay" John Paulk To Headline Exodus Conference

Exodus International invites you to pray away the gay at their upcoming Phoenix conference where the "ex-lesbian" wife of "ex-gay" former rentboy/drag queen John Paulk will speak. You may remember Paulk from the hilarious incident in which Wayne Besen busted him partying and chatting up menz in a DC gay bar, prompting Paulk to flee the room screaming as he shielded his face from Besen's camera. Whoopsie! Paulk was then forced to confess to Focus On The Family head James Dobson that he'd been in the bar for the purpose of "flirting." That got Paulk booted as chairman of the board of Exodus International. I guess they trust his wife to stay out of Phoenix gay bars.

Freep This Poll For GLSEN

Pespi is giving away boatloads of money to organizations that have "great ideas" and today is the final day to vote for the Gay & Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN), who wants to place Safe Space kits in 10,000 public schools. Right now GLSEN is in third place to win a $250,000 grant for the project. Note: You can vote with your Facebook login and that doesn't appear to place any message on your page. Clickety-click, y'all.

Sharron Angle: How To Stay Pretty After A Hard Day Of Teabagging Crazy Racism!

Over the weekend, Sharron Angle shared make-up and hair tips at a Las Vegas beauty show headlined as "An Evening Of Glamour." Yup.

(Via - Alan Colmes)

Film Composer John Barry Dies At 77

Five-time Oscar winning film composer John Barry has died at the age of 77. Here's a few of my favorites from his lengthy filmography.

Bryan Fischer: Vicious Gay Activists Are Determined To Destroy Chick-Fil-A

Stonewall Dems: Walmart Is Homophobic

As Walmart ramps up its media blitz against the New York City government, hoping to finally gain a foothold in the nation's largest market, the Stonewall Democrats have issued a statement denouncing the company as homophobic.
"Walmart represents a culture of intolerance and insensitivity towards LGBT employees and issues that is unwelcome in New York. Just last year more than 100 Walmart stores were found to be promoting a children's book that suggested that gay people can overcome “sin” and convert to heterosexuality with the help of counseling. Walmart CEO Mike Duke signed a petition in his home state of Arkansas that was aimed at preventing adoption by gay and lesbian parents. The 2011 Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index, which evaluates corporations on LGBT issues, gave Walmart 40%. That failing grade is in marked contrast to other retailers like Macy's and Costco which both received 100%. "Walmart's values are not our values and they are certainly not New York's. Stonewall Democratic Club is committed to building a city that is free from intolerance towards all LGBT people - a city that remains Walmart free."
A Walmart spokesperson has denied the charge, saying that the company supports its LGBT employees. Today the company launched its second round of radio and newspaper ads urging the public to fight attempts to keep Walmart out of New York City.

GOP Rep. Randy Forbes: Put "In God We Trust" On Every Public Building

In recent years, Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) introduced a House resolution calling for the United States to recognize that it is a "Judeo-Christian nation." Another Forbes resolution called on the federal government to recognize that "the Holy Bible is God's word." Now he wants the feds to acknowledge that "In God We Trust" is the nation's official motto. Which it already is. But Forbes also wants the slogan plastered everywhere, as his resolution demands it appear "in all public buildings, public schools, and other government institutions." The resolution has 24 House cosponsors, including two Democrats.

(Via - The Friendly Atheist)

BRITAIN: Gay & Straight Couples Launch Challenge To Marriage Laws

Led by activist Peter Tatchell, on Wednesday eight British couples, four gay and four straight, will file a challenge to Britain's marriage and civil partnership laws with the European Court of Human Rights.
Peter Tatchell is coordinator of the Equal Love campaign, which seeks to end sexual orientation discrimination in both civil marriage and civil partnership law."Since November, four same-sex couples were refused marriage licenses at register offices in Greenwich, Northampton and Petersfield. Four heterosexual couples were also turned away when they applied for civil partnerships in Islington, Camden, Bristol and Aldershot," added Tatchell.

"All eight couples received letters of refusal from their register offices, which we are now using as the evidential basis to challenge in the European Court of Human Rights the UK's exclusion of gay couples from civil marriage and the prohibition of straight civil partnerships. Since there is no substantive difference in the rights and responsibilities involved in gay marriages and heterosexual civil partnerships, there is no justification for having two mutually exclusive and discriminatory systems.
The petitioners contend that Britain's "separate but equal" system violates the European Convention On Human Rights, to which the United Kingdom is a signatory.

Improv Everywhere: Worst Ice Skater Ever

Improv Everywhere: "For our latest mission an ice skater stranded alone on the rink transformed from a novice into an expert in New York's Bryant Park. The project was a collaboration with Ice Theatre of New York."

Electric Cereal

The cereal brands at your grocery stores may soon be shouting and dancing at you courtesy of a new technology called eCoupling. An electric induction strip under the boxes powers the animation and records inventory levels as items are removed. Very Minority Report.

COLORADO: Gay Activists And Allies Launch Campaign For Civil Unions

The LGBT activism group One Colorado and a coalition of gay-friendly faith leaders, unions, and education groups yesterday launched their campaign to legalize civil unions in Colorado. Box Turtle Bulletin blogger Daniel Gonzales sends us the below clip from the campaign's kick-off press conference.

BRITAIN: Leading Christian Homophobe Stephen Green Unmasked As Wife Beater

Infamous anti-gay activist Stephen Green, who is well known as a British version of Peter LaBarbera, has been divorced by his wife. Because he'd been beating her with a piece of wood.
Caroline Green was often punished by her husband Stephen for failing to be a dutiful, compliant wife, but his final act of violence against her — the one that prompted her long-overdue decision to divorce him — was all the more chilling because it was coldly premeditated. Stephen Green wrote a list of his wife’s ­failings then described the weapon he would make to beat her with. ‘He told me he’d make a piece of wood into a sort of witch’s broom and hit me with it, which he did,’ she recalls, her voice tentative and quiet. ‘He hit me until I bled. I was terrified. I can still remember the pain. ‘Stephen listed my misdemeanours: I was disrespectful and disobedient; I wasn’t loving or submissive enough and I was undermining him. He also said I wasn’t giving him his ­conjugal rights. ‘He even framed our marriage vows — he always put particular emphasis on my promise to obey him — and hung them over our bed. He believed there was no such thing as marital rape and for years I’d been reluctant to have sex with him, but he said it was my duty and was angry if I refused him.
Green's wife also claims that their son had to be hospitalized after a beating from him.

RELATED: Last month the BBC raised the ire of LGBT activists when they interviewed Green as an "opposing voice" in a story about the birth of Elton John's son. Green has publicly endorsed Uganda's plan to execute homosexuals and his group, Christian Voice, has advocated for the overturn of Britain's laws against marital rape, saying that the Bible demands that all women must submit sexually to their husbands. Green has been the subject of numerous praising posts on Peter LaBarbera's site.

A|X Armani signs up Kate Lanphear for Style Festival

Enter into a world of wonderland with the A|X Armani Exchange Spring 2011 advertising campaign, "Style Festival." Created by one of the most influential women in fashion, Stylist Kate Lanphear (Elle Magazine, Style Director) the A|X "Style Festival" campaign is an adventure of sound and style, evoking the independence and free-spirited world of music that speaks directly to the A|X Generation.
"With the Armani Exchange campaign, we wanted to stay true to the soul of the brand and the advertising concept," says A|X campaign stylist Kate Lanphear. "Music is such a big part of the brand's DNA and so it seemed natural to bring the A|X style to life at music's most celebrated festival - Coachella."
The inspiration behind the collection is what Lanphear sought to bring to life in the campaign – the sense of effortless ease that exists in the Coachella culture – a culture that resonates and rings true with today's youth market.
"The aesthetic of the A|X Spring 2011 Collection was conceived around casual but sophisticated style and the modern influence of season-less, festival-chic dressing. The emphasis was not on major seasonal shifts but instead on creating looks that possess an overall truthfulness," said Lanphear.
"Style Festival" breaks with a series of color images that in major national media—print, outdoor ads, and online. The in-book media program consists of single page and ad spreads which will be featured in the February 2011 issues of GQ, ELLE, Glamour, Allure, OUT, Nylon, V Magazine and V-Men, among others. Significant spending will also be allocated to digital media platforms through the use of QR codes placed in the seasonal advertising

View more Kate Lanphear Images

Carol Channing Turns 90

Broadway legend Carol Channing turns 90 today and the three-time Tony winner has granted a rare video interview in which she reminisces about her career and her status as a gay icon. Hit the link for the clip.

ILLINOIS: Gov To Sign Civil Unions Today

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn will sign his state's civil unions bill today in a 4PM ceremony expected to be attended by a huge crowd.
A capacity crowd at a historic downtown Chicago venue? No, it isn't a concert or even the big game — it's to watch civil unions become legal in Illinois. When Gov. Pat Quinn signs the historic legislation Monday afternoon, he'll be joined by up to 900 members of the gay community and their supporters, many of whom have been waiting years for this moment to arrive. Free tickets to the bill-signing event were long gone by late last week, and the governor's office planned to set aside a portion of the space at the Chicago Cultural Center as standing-room only.
I'll look for a live video stream of the ceremony for posting later today.

Fox News: Where's Egypt, Again?


EGYPT: Foreigners Begin Evacuation

The United States and many other nations have begun evacuating their embassy staffers and other citizens from Egypt as unrest continues. Americans will be airlifted to "safe haven" countries in the region, from where they must make their own arrangements to get home.
The United States planned to begin charter flights to help Americans leave the country Monday. Other governments and businesses have also said they plan to evacuate citizens amid escalating protests across the country. Canada's government has said it will begin charter flights bound for Europe evacuating as many as 6,000 of its citizens from Egypt Monday. Australia announced Monday that it planned to provide an emergency flight out of Cairo for its citizens on Wednesday. Thai Airways said Monday that it was preparing a special flight to Cairo to bring stranded Thais home at the request of the country's government. And Mexico's government urged its citizens in Egypt to consider leaving the country. Two special EL AL flights with Israelis returning from Egypt landed in Israel Monday morning, Israel Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said.
There are 380 American embassy staffers living in Cairo with their families. It's unknown how many other Americans are presently in Egypt, but the number is thought to be in the thousands.

GLAAD To NBC: Apologize For Offensive Transgender Skit On SNL

GLAAD is asking for an apology from NBC after this weekend's airing of a Saturday Night Live skit that mocked transgender women.
The piece was a mock commercial for estrogen replacement therapy and featured men with facial hair wearing dresses, meant to represent transgender women. This segment cannot be defended as “just a joke” because there was no “joke” to speak of. The attempted comedy of the skit hinges solely on degrading the lives and experiences of transgender women. Dehumanizing holding people up for ridicule simply on the basis of their identity fuels a dangerous and hurtful climate and puts people in danger, especially given how infrequently the media shines a fair and accurate light on the lives of transgender people.
GLAAD wants the clip removed from Hulu and excised from future reruns of the episode. The clip is on YouTube (for the moment) and can be viewed on NBC's site.

CHINA: Fake Obama In KFC Ad

Matt Baume: This Week In Prop 8

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Screen Actors Guild(SAG) 2011

SAG Awards just ended! Means more red carpet fashion! Yay! *laughs*

I'll just do all girls today coz guys are normal in their suit looking sleek and handsome.

Congratulations once again to Natalie Portman for winning lead female actor in Black Swan! This is definitely HER year! I don't really like her dress so much like I did in Golden Globes though. Probably because it showed too much of her baby bump. But anyway, she's the lady of the night. I'm not surprised if she goes all the way to win the Oscars =)

More on whites...

Lea Michele in Oscar de la Renta. Yup, I like it! Simple, body hugging, nice with a small train.

Winona Ryder was one of the very few celebrities who wore a big dress for the awards. I do like big dresses but I feel her hair does not suit the dress. It's quite messy looking XD and that bag...

Of quite the many who wore white for the night, Amy Adams wore white the best! She looks sleek with her hair tied back, her skin was perfect and the dress is stunning! She looked the best overall. I saw her on TV and her makeup was flawless =)

Natalie's BFF, Mila Kunis was in red! It's an Alexander McQueen's piece. IMHO, she looks gorgeous! She looks young and vibrant!

Nicole Kidman in Nina Ricci. You should see her back! It's fully transparent covered with lace just like her decolletage. Sexy but not too sexy! She's a married woman with four kids after all.

Hilary Swank in Versace! She looks really lady-like and beautiful. I think this is the best I've seen her so far!

Sarah Hyland is one of my favourite teen celeb. Not only she's cute but she dresses well and not too controversial. Only one thing, her hair should be made into a bun. Other than that, nice! *winks*

For the awards show, the leading actor and actress won by the same people who won for the Golden Globes; Colin Firth and Natalie Portman.

I was happy that Christian Bale won for best supporting actor in The Fighter. I want to see that show!

Till the next awards show =)

50 Things Girls Wished Guys Knew

This is worth sharing. I don't know who made this article. But I agree to most of the things that are listed here.  If you like this article, feel free to share it to your friends via email or through twitter or facebook.  Also, don't forget to like my page on Facebook, I will appreciate it so much! :)

50 Things Girls Wished Guys Knew:

1. Don't freakin' tell us when you think other girls are hot.

2. Whenever possible during our favorite show, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

3. If you don't act like soap-opera guys, then don't excpect us to dress like Victoria Secret models.

4. Mark anniversaries on a calendar. That's a must.

5. There is NO such thing as TOO MUCH spooning.

6. We think about you all the time. And I mean ALL the time.

7. This is how we see it... you don't call = you don't care.

8. Which also means that if we don't call, take the hint.

9. We like you to be a little jealous, but overly-possessive is not necessary.

10. Being able to make us laugh is so much more important than how much you can bench press.

11. Return the favor...we massage, you massage...

12. Show us your romantic side every once in a while, we love it.

13. We're allowed to be late...you are not.

14. Eye contact is key.

15. Don't take longer to get ready than we do.

16. Laugh at our jokes.

17. Three words...honesty, honesty, honesty.

18. Girls can be groupies, guy groupies are stalkers...

19. Tell us we're gorgeous or beautiful instead of hot or sexy.

20. Do not start with us...you will not win.

21. Would you like it if a guy treated your sister that way? ...Didn't think so.

22. If you ask nicely, we usually answer the same way.

23. We will never have enough clothes or shoes.

24. We have an excuse to act bitchy, at least once a month.

25. Open the door for us no matter where we are... even at our house or getting into a car.

26. We LOVE surprises!

27. We like to be kissed softly, not with an iron tongue.

28. Pay attention to the little things we do, because they mean the most.

29. Boxers and maybe boxer briefs but.....NEVER whitey-tighties!

30. Clean your room before we come over.

31. Always brush your teeth before you see us...a clean mouth and white teeth are a necessity

32. Love u, love you, luv u and love ya are totally different than I Love You.

33. Even though you are sometimes insensitive and hurt us, we still love you with everything we have.

34. Don't ask us to do things that we aren't ready for.

35. Don't act jerkish and ignore us around your friends.

36. Sometimes NO! really means NO!

37. "Wife Beaters" are not always an adequate form of fashion.

38. Do not bring up an ex-girlfriend, unless we ask.

39. Sensitive guys are great, but crying more than we do in a movie just isn't right.

40. Don't let ex-girlfriends cause drama, relationships are stressful enough.

41. It takes a special kind of stupid to forget birthdays.

42. Guys who are good cuddlers = guys who know how to satisfy a woman.

43. "Fat Chicks" have feelings too.

44. Silent treatment, shoulder shrugs, tears, yelling and nasty looks from us all add up to... YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!

45. The excuse "I can't dance" is unacceptable...we'll appreciate the simple fact that you're trying.

46. Just because a girl doesn't pick up on the first ring, doesn't mean she's not waiting by the phone.

47. You don't have to spend a lot if it means a lot.

48. Don't say you love me if you don't mean it.

49. Do not lie to us...we will catch you, trust me.

50. When the girls get together, we talk about everything...meaning my best friend knows everything about you!

6 Ways to Get Your Ex Back

How to get your ex back? This sounds a tough question for everyone dealing with a broken relationship. Sometimes, relationships that have ended meant to end for good, while some relationships need a second chance or so and must be fought for to survive. Every relationship requires effort. But let us get to the meat of the 6 ways to get your ex back.

1. Wait and Relax. After a break up, don't rush into things. Give your ex a time to ponder things.  Give him some space. Give your ex a time to realize life "without you". And give yourself a time to cry if you must and think over things that transpired too.

2.  Control your emotions.  Don't call your ex and cry as if you are on the verge of committing suicide due to break up. This is emotional manipulation. Your ex may think you can't handle your emotions well and that you are manipulating him. This will fend him away.  Worst thing you want is a reconciliation with your ex because of manipulation.

3. Admit your mistakes and be a better you. It takes two to tango. Your ex may have faults of his own and so do you. Admit your mistakes that contributed to the break up and be a better you. Show to your ex that you are better now.  How? Your ex and you have common friends that can spread the word of how much your changed .

4. Show that you are always there for your ex. This is significant, as this shows you still care for him as a lover and as a friend. You and your ex have invested emotionally. More often , he will likely ask for your support in the form of advice or opinion on certain matters.

5. Look your best.  Not everything about you is likable to your ex. Let's admit that. Not all your physical attributes or how you dress or how you put your make up on is desirable for your ex. Now focus on these things. Learn to stay beautiful according to his standards. You are doing this to attract him. This is superficial of course. But you see the point, it will help you catch his attention plus it  will boost your confidence and self esteem. Now proceed to step 6.

6. Meet your ex on a friendly date. Don't appear emotionally disturbed as this will push your ex away. Remember ways 1 to 5. Don't be demanding! Don't make any verbal attempt at getting back on him yet. Remember to leave a fresh, better impression on your ex.

Your ex may or may not call you the soonest. But be patient. He will call you eventually if he still loves you. Instead of you making the obvious outward effort of getting back with him, he might just do that himself. However, take note that there is still a chance that he will not call you back and get back to you. But be strong. You can't always have all you desire in life. Look at life at a different perspective. Be positive and move on if you must!

This Week In Holy Crimes

Over the last seven days...

New York: Pastor Michael Clare charged with first degree rape of 12 year-old girl.
South Carolina: Pastor Ronald Satterfield charged with running a $3.3M Ponzi scheme that wiped out dozens of his congregants.
Texas: Pastor Larry Gene Martin charged with aggravated sexual assault on a 12 year-old girl.
Texas: Pastor Randy Carl Russell charged with making a terrorist threat for saying he was going to kill his daughter's boyfriend and his family.
New Brunswick: Father Albert LeBlanc charged with 40 counts of sexual assault on boys between the ages of seven and eleven.
Florida: Pastor Jason Allen Roberts charged with felony child molestation.
New York: Santeria priest Miguel Leon convicted of child molestation.
Indiana: Father Wayne Wigglesworth sentenced to ten years in prison for attempted molestation of a 15 year-old boy.
Wisconsin: Pastor Travis Gandy pleads no contest to possession of child pornography.
Georgia: Pastor Kenneth Terrell indicted on charges of embezzling $200K from his church. Last year Terrell was also charged with child molestation.
Tennessee: Pastor Samuel Peters charged with theft of donations to the Lions Club, which aids visually-impaired children.
Britain: Father Alexander Bede Walsh charged with four counts of molesting boys.
Nunavut: Father Eric Dejaeger charged with three counts of molesting Inuit children.
Utah: Pastor Aaron Witcher pleads guilty to two counts of raping a minor.
Michigan: Father Herbert Richey is still working for the Detroit Archdiocese despite having been defrocked for child molestation.

This Week's Winner
France: Father Antoine Videau has been convicted of stealing £2 million from church charity boxes intended for the poor. Videau used the cash to buy himself a Ferrari and take lavish Las Vegas vacations with his young mistress. Investigators found 28 separate bank accounts holding stolen parish money and discovered that Videau had also helped himself to £500,000 from the estate of a deceased archbishop.

Fox Rejects "John 3-16" Super Bowl Ad

World Net Daily is upset because Fox has rejected a Super Bowl ad promoting the scripture John 3:16, which became famous for being seen at major sporting events thanks to Rollen "Rainbow Man" Stewart (seen above). They quote the ad's maker:
"The rainbow man, the guy we always used to see standing in end zones after field goal and extra point attempts holding up his John 3:16 sign – now there is a message of real hope. That message is a part of the culture of football. You see it all the time. You've seen it on the eyeblack, you've seen it on tattoos, you've seen it, as I've mentioned, the rainbow man and many others.

"In the midst of the commercials on everything that's trivial," Taunton says, "wouldn't it be wonderful if after this year's Super Bowl, in addition to talking about the game, people were talking, not about beer or potato chip commercials, they were talking about the gospel? Well, that's what we want to see happen." After a few months of working on the commercial and raising funds for its broadcast, however, Fox sent what Taunton calls "a carefully worded document" explaining the network "would not air anything with religious doctrine."
Not incidentally, Rainbow Man is now presenting his "message of real hope" from prison, where he is serving three consecutive life sentences for kidnapping.

Intercourse The Penguin

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SOUTH CAROLINA: Woman Murders Dog For Chewing On Her Bible

A South Carolina woman says that God told her to murder her nephew's dog because it chewed on her bible.
Miriam Fowler Smith, 65, told cops on Monday that she hung and burned her nephew's pit bull after the animal took a bite out of her bible. She claimed God urged her to kill Diamond, a 1-year-old female dog, because the animal was a "devil dog" and would hurt neighborhood children. Smith was arrested on Sunday and remains in Spartanburg County jail. She could face faces 180 days or up to five years behind bars if she's convicted with felony animal cruelty. She does not have a lawyer yet. Authorities said Smith confessed to wrapping an extension cord around Diamond's neck, hung the animal from a tree, and then set the pup on fire.
(Via - On Knees For Jesus)

Quote Of The Day - Dan Cathy

"In recent weeks, we have been accused of being anti-gay. We have no agenda against anyone. At the heart and soul of our company, we are a family business that serves and values all people regardless of their beliefs or opinions. We seek to treat everyone with honor, dignity and respect, and believe in the importance of loving your neighbor as yourself. We also believe in the need for civility in dialogue with others who may have different beliefs. While my family and I believe in the Biblical definition of marriage, we love and respect anyone who disagrees. [snip]

"Chick-fil-A's Corporate Purpose is 'To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us, and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.' As a result, we will not champion any political agendas on marriage and family. This decision has been made, and we understand the importance of it. At the same time, we will continue to offer resources to strengthen marriages and families. To do anything different would be inconsistent with our purpose and belief in Biblical principles." - Chick-Fil-A president Dan Cathy, claiming to have ended his company's support of the anti-gay marriage movement.

RELATED: The New York Times covers the controversy.

Justin Bieber prefer older girls like Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber is 16 going on 17, and he definitely seems to have a thing for older women, like girlfriend Selena Gomez, 18.

There was recently some buzz created around the fact that Justin Bieber tweeted a message of congratulations to True Grit actress Hailee Steinfeld for her Oscar nomination, and of course, some assumed that this meant he was interested in her romantically.

When asked about possibly dating Hailee in a recent interview, Justin Bieber said, “She’s young. She’s like 14, I’ll be 17 in less than a month.”

Justin Bieber may think that a girl who is two years his junior is too young to date, but dating Selena Gomez, who is two years older than him, seems to suit him just fine. But no matter what age a girl is, admitting that he’s actually dating them has proven to be his biggest challenge.


Kardashian's Never Say Never Commercial

Video: Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Movie Date

Never Say Never 3D - His Number One Fan


What a day it has been in the sporting world...Or rather two days!

Well, let's start from yesterday...
Li Na from China made it to the finals in the Australian Open 2011. If she had won, she would be the first Asian to ever win a Grand Slam.

Unfortunately, she lost to Kim Clijsters. She won the first set 6-3 but lost consequently 3-6, 3-6 XD Anyway, she did her best!

Clijsters was of course the better player. When she won, she was so happy she cried! Li Na, on the other hand, was a good sport and I find her interviews hilarious, joking about her husband!

Moving on, yesterday Japan beat Australia in the AFC Asian Cup 2011. They scored during the crucial extra time. That's what I don't like...They have been playing for a good 90 minutes only to score a goal during extra time?? Geez...My father watched until he went to sleep LOL

The Most Valuable Player(MVP) award went to Honda, my favourite player =)) He deserved it as he played really well during the whole tournament.

Well, today, big dissapointment for Malaysia as Lee Chong Wei lost yet again to Lin Dan. He could beat anyone else except Lin Dan! *sobs*

Lee Chong Wei lost the first and rubber set 21-19, 14-21, 21-16
He was actually quite good with a variety of moves but Lin Dan proved to be better =(
Anyhow, Chong Wei still managed to win a good US$45,000 prize money.

Finally, in the the men's singles finals for the Autralian Open, Novak Djokovic won against Andy Murray. I didn't really see the match as I was concentrating on the badminton but I did see the prize giving.

Andy Murray was so sad =( Even when Djokovic acknowledged him, he didn't even smile! During the photo session, he took a few photos with the winner then quickly went away. I guess it really meant a lot for him to win but he didn't =( Also probably due to him losing straight sets!

That's all the results I could offer so far haha...I'm only interested in these few games *laughs*

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Parking Wars

This winter's record 59 inches of snow has generated an issue seen more frequently in other cities than in New York - parking spot wars over dug out spaces. Some folks say that if they go through the back-breaking work of clearing a spot in front of their building, they are perfectly free to block that space with garbage cans until their return. Others say, bullshit, a space is a space and that there's no such things as "dibs" on a public street. Folks who move the "dibs" markers often return to find that the contents of that garbage can are now on the roof of their car. According to news reports, there have been quite a few fistfights in the last few days.

Here's The CPAC 2011 Agenda

CPAC has published the agenda for next month's conference, where attendance will be greatly diminished thanks to all the reich-wing groups that won't be seen in the same room as GOProud. (We wouldn't either!) Still, there's a fair representation of evil here, including Crazy Eyes, Harry Jackson, Rick Santorum, and Elaine Donnelly. Meeting topics include how to stop gay marriage and how to stop the repeal of DADT. But remember, GOProud says it's easier to be a conservative at CPAC than it is to be a homocon among gays. So it's interesting that their name appears nowhere on the agenda, innit?

Twitter On Egypt: The Tweets Must Flow

Twitter has issued a statement which partially references events in Egypt.
Our goal is to instantly connect people everywhere to what is most meaningful to them. For this to happen, freedom of expression is essential. Some Tweets may facilitate positive change in a repressed country, some make us laugh, some make us think, some downright anger a vast majority of users. We don't always agree with the things people choose to tweet, but we keep the information flowing irrespective of any view we may have about the content.

The open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. This is both a practical and ethical belief. On a practical level, we simply cannot review all one hundred million-plus Tweets created and subsequently delivered every day. From an ethical perspective, almost every country in the world agrees that freedom of expression is a human right. Many countries also agree that freedom of expression carries with it responsibilities and has limits.
Their "the tweets must flow" headline reminded me of this, of course.

GETTING IT RIGHT: Naval Academy Honors Gay Marine's Burial Request

The Naval Academy has honored the final wishes of a gay Marine who had told his husband that he wanted his ashes interred at the USNA Columbarium. John Fliszar was a 1971 graduate of the Academy, but what's so heartwarming is how the Academy treated his husband, Mark Ketterson.
The memorial coordinator asked about his relationship to the deceased. Ketterson said that John Fliszar was his husband. “They were always polite, but there was this moment of hesitation,” Ketterson recalled. “They said they’re going to need something in writing from a blood relative. They asked, ‘Are you listed on the death certificate?’ ‘Do you have a marriage license?’ ” He was and they did, the couple having been married in Des Moines when gay marriage became legal in Iowa two years ago. Ketterson sent a copy of the marriage license. That changed everything.

“I was respected,” he said. “From that moment on, I was next of kin. They were amazing.” The USNA alumni association sent Ketterson a letter expressing condolence for the loss of his husband. The USNA says Fliszar’s interment followed standard operating procedure. “His next of kin was treated with the same dignity and respect afforded to the next of kin of all USNA grads who desire interment at the Columbarium,” said Jennifer Erickson, a spokesperson for the academy. “We didn’t do anything differently.”
There's more to this great story, hit the link.

FLORIDA: House GOP Speaker Seeks To Enforce Gay Adoption Ban

Even though district courts have overturned Florida's ban on gay adoption, state House GOP Speaker Dean Cannon wants Gov. Rick Scott to enforce the ban still on the state books.
Cannon said the Legislature may reassert its position affirming the prohibition if that becomes necessary, but is awaiting word whether the Scott administration will continue to enforce the ban. “The tactical calculus is to make a change [in the law] would almost imply that you agree that there was some flaw identified by the Third DCA,” Cannon said of the Legislature’s options after the Third District Court of Appeal overturned the law last year. “Because that’s just in one district, it may make sense to wait and see if that Third DCA opinion is eventually brought up with another case and either overturned or affirmed by the Supreme Court,” he said. “Until we know how the governor and DCF secretary are going to apply it, it’s not a foregone conclusion that the Legislature should step in,” he said. “If we think we should, we’re certainly prepared and willing to do so.” Asked if the governor should enforce the law, Cannon replied, “Absolutely.”
Earlier this month Tea Party-backed Gov. Rick "Medicare Fraud" Scott tipped his hand on gay adoption when he appointed an anti-gay adoption activist to head Florida's Department of Children and Families.

(Tipped by JMG reader Robert)