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Monday, February 28, 2011


Rihanna has responded with force in her tweeter account against Ciara. I was reported that Ciara made some bad comments against Rihanna when Ciara was guest at E!. Ciara accussed Rihanna as not so niced person. After hearing what Ciara said, Rihanna went scorching hot on her tweets. Its a tweet wars between Rihanna and Ciara. We better watch the coming tweet fights of the two.

Swag Tuesday

Courtesy of the show's producers, today's Swag Tuesday prize is two tickets to the premiere Broadway musical production of Priscilla: Queen Of The Desert, which begins previews this week.
Get Ready for THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE! PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT: THE MUSICAL is the feel-good theatrical experience of the year! Based on the smash-hit movie, PRISCILLA is the heart-warming, uplifting adventure of three friends who hop aboard a battered old bus searching for love and friendship and end up finding more than they could have ever dreamed of. With a dazzling array of outrageous costumes and a hit parade of dance-floor favorites, this wildly fresh and funny new musical is a journey to the heart of FABULOUS!
Tickets for Priscilla are now on sale and you can follow the show and cast on Twitter and Facebook. Enter to win your tickets by commenting on this post. Only enter once and please remember to leave your email address in the text of your entry. If you cannot be in Manhattan to attend the show, your winning entry is transferable to your favorite show queen. Publicists: If you'd like to take part in Swag Tuesday on JMG, please email me.

Jane Russell Dies At Age 89

Jane Russell, voluptuous pin-up model and star of dozens of Westerns and musicals, has died at the age of 89. While her "scandalous" movies and photo shoots at times created controversies over censorship, in her later years Russell embraced far-right conservative Christian politics and openly accepted the label of "bigot." Perhaps best known politically for her anti-feminism and battles against abortion rights (including for rape and incest), in 2003 she told Australia's Daily Mail: "These days I’m a teetotal, mean-spirited, right-wing, narrow-minded, conservative Christian bigot, but not a racist." Russell was an occasional guest on the anti-gay Praise The Lord show hosted by Jan and Paul Crouch, although I'm not finding any examples of her commenting on gay rights issues. For now, let's remember her from before the crazy years.

Photo Of The Day - Mehlman & Matalin

Former RNC chairman (and 21st century Roy Cohn) Ken Mehlman attended Saturday's GOProud fundraiser in the home of former Dick Cheney adviser Mary Matalin. GOProud has posted dozens of photos.

Oscars...Starlets & Studs stumble on fashion circuit @ Kodak Theatre! Swank surprisingly feminine!

Horizontal line at flubber waist a no-no
(Virginia Madsen)

Quite a few of the fair sex alighted from sleek black limos purring at the curb on Hollywood Boulevard last night in dazzling cocktail frocks fashioned in blood-red, as their macho counterparts abandoned the peacock "look" in favor of chic black finely-cut silhouettes, and a daring fashionista-or-two took a gamble on stylish adventures which more-often-than-not came apart at the seams when the prying eyes of the paparazzi zeroed in.

In sum, the little Gold Statuette has - for the most part - taken a back seat to the fashion circuit as a rule, as savvy social-climbing starlets (and enterprising studs on their bejewelled pearly-white arms) turn out to best one-another in outfits that amount to a handful of misguided silken threads tossed over bodacious - sometimes bimbo-inspired - half-naked bods.

A chic understated look is preferable to moi, but some - like hefty Queen Latifa, for example - have tossed caution (and their considerable weight) to the wind with disastrous results.


The God-awful trend - riddled with one glaring faux pas after another - persisted on the red carpet at the 83rd Annual Oscar Award at the Kodak Theatre last evening.

Although one of the beaming hosts (Anne Hathaway) snapped up nods of approval for her pretty frothy frock - over-sized mamma's like Virginia Madsen - caused style icons to twitter on the sidelines:

"Gosh, if only the fat lady would sing! This fashion fiasco could call it a night!"

A gaggle of par-tay stalwarts sashayed down the gauntlet in get-ups - Michelle Williams and Reese Witherspoon, for starters - that flip-flopped.

Nicole Kidman was beaded, padded, and fit to be tried - by the fashion police - by golly!

Meanwhile, Helena Bonham Carter was strapping - and strapless - with scraggly "do" crowning the unsightly mixed-up mash.

On-the-other-hand, Marissa Tomei's virginal spring special was overly-designed with matronly fashion flourishes, that bogged her youthfulness down.

Gwyneth Paltrow was a sexy bombshell, alright - which left a nasty aftertaste, though - metallic as hell.

And - sigh - Melissa Leo was obviously sleep-walking in her poorly-fitting gown which appeared to be fashioned out of a bath-room curtain or two.

Annette Bening's slinky cocktail nightmare was inside-out with unsightly seams showing.

Halle Berry - known as "scary Berry" in divorce circles - was sparkly, however.

The town was a-buz in respect to sultry Mila Kunis, who tripped-the-light-fantastic in a showy-gown splashed up with nubile flesh, which hinted at naivety.

Hailee Steinfeld - in Royal Blue (wrinkled) fabric - was too darn matronly (if 'ya ask me!).

As to the dudes, well, James Franco couldn't hold a candle to Marilyn (or any dummy female impersonator stupid enough to try to capture her dazzling star persona on-stage-or-off).

Billy Crystal?

If the lapels on that tux were any wider, he'd take flight when the next gust of wind fluttered in, unexpectedly.

Nope not even the zesty vigor (or sexy appeal) of the great white hope - James Franco - was capable of  boosting up the boot-straps of a posse of fops, fellas!

For instance, Russell Brand's purply-hued suit - teamed with a clashing striped shirt and lifeless black tie - screamed out the obvious:

"Big bucks can't buy 'ya taste (or love, for that matter, either)."

If Billy Crystal's lapels were any wider, he would have blown away in the stratosphere next big gust of wind!

Christian Bale (winner of best supporting actor for The Fighter) was in the right corner when he elected to sport a chic black designer suit and dark tie.

But, poor grooming - and bold-faced efforts to attain a wild he-man persona - nixed the otherwise fashionably-attired effort.

Colin Firth, Zachary Levi, Justin Timberlake, Mark Buffalo, andGeoffrey Rush sported sporting black or dark grey tuxedos from popular designers such as Tom Ford or Gucci.
No wonder folks mentioned above either ended up on my Best or Worst Dressed list for 2010.

Need a reminder about "Who's Who" on the fashion victim list?

Post:  01/01/2011


Post: 12/29/2010


By the way, there were quite a few humorous moments during the CBS Broadcast, too.

Off-the-cuff humor - on the heels of live! stage disasters - included Hathaway's quick ad-lib about "folks needing a drink at home" - after she tripped over a best-actress-winner intro.

Meanwhile, critics compared James Franco's low-key style to that of a laid-back monologue for flicks like drug-themed comedies such as "Pineapple Express".

Did he ever actually say the word - "Dude" on air?

At times, Anne and James also poked fun at each other and the Network for their ratings-inspired folly.

"Anne, I must say you look so beautiful and so hip," Franco gushed at one point on stage.

"Thank you, James," Hathaway giggled,

"You look very appealing to a younger demographic, as well."

I expect that due to the overall dismal reaction to the Oscar extravaganza (yawn!) last night, that hosting duties will return to the predictable old farts next year.

See 'ya there!

Hillary Swank surprisingly feminine
(instead of so butch!)

NEW ORLEANS: Anti-Gay Pastor Grant Storms Busted As Pedophile Pervert

New Orleans' infamous Pastor Grant Storms, who every year can be found shouting hellfire and brimstone at Southern Decadence attendees, has been arrested for masturbating in his van while watching children in a playground.
Storms told deputies that he was merely having lunch at Lafreniere Park, 3000 Downs Blvd., in his van when he decided to relieve himself using a bottle instead of using the restroom, an incident report said. But two witnesses said they saw Storms through the open windows of his van masturbating himself while watching children on the playground, the report said. The two women flagged down a park employee who notified the Sheriff's Office. The employee also detained Storms until deputies arrived. Bond for Storms was set at $5,000. But he was released from the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center in Gretna on Sunday because of overcrowding at the jail. Armed with bullhorns, Bibles and picket signs, Storms and a group of followers in 2003 protested against Southern Decadence, the gay three-day festival held over Labor Day weekend in the French Quarter. Storms' efforts prompted the New Orleans City Council to ban megaphones and other amplification devices.
Storms has actually held anti-gay "purity" parades through the French Quarter during Southern Decadence. But not, we're guessing, this year!

Hate Group Issues E-Book Attacking Mitt Romney On LGBT Rights

The SPLC-certified hate group MassResistance has just issued an e-book attacking former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney over the advances made in LGBT rights during his tenure. Christian Newswire has the press release:
Massachusetts pro-family activist Amy Contrada has just released her definitive study of Mitt Romney's role in implementing "gay marriage," promoting GLBT "rights," and supporting the sexual-radical agenda in the Massachusetts schools while Governor. Contrada details how Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney supported the homosexual and transgender agenda on same-sex "marriage," sexual-radical indoctrination in the schools, and societal transformation -- while posing as a defender of the Constitution and traditional family values. Pro-family leaders enthusiastically recommend the book: Peter LaBarbera (Americans for Truth about Homosexuality) says, "In writing the meticulously documented 'Mitt Romney's Deception,' Amy Contrada has done the job that the liberal media was supposed to do. What she has uncovered is stunning even to experienced critics of Romney's equivocation on homosexual issues. Contrada lays bare Romney's servile embrace of the radical Massachusetts 'gay' agenda. Then she exposes his subsequent doublespeak in posing as the stalwart defender of traditional marriage in his bid for the GOP presidential nomination."
Longtime JMG readers may recall Amy Contrada for her 2007 reaction to her daughter Claudia's coming out while a high school senior. Contrada accused LGBT activists of "perverting" Claudia's sexuality and yanked her out of school. Then she published a full-page article on the MassResistance site to reveal that Claudia isn't even biologically hers and was adopted. It really does take a vile repulsive bitch like Amy Contrada to actually make us feel (momentarily) sympathetic to Mitt Romney.

MARYLAND: Mormon Army Doctor Testifies On Behalf Of His Gay Son

JMG reader Michael writes to tip us to the video of his father's marriage equality testimony before the Maryland House of Delegates last week. Michael's dad is an active Mormon, a physician, and a colonel in the U.S. Army. Watch this.

Royal Rubbers


Joe Solmonese On DOMA Backlash

WISCONSIN: Pro-Union Protesters Sing Number From Les Miserables

Teabaggers are chortling about this on Twitter with comments like "You know the country’s gone to hell in a handbasket when Wisconsin protesters break out in a song based on a book about the French Revolution." Family Research Council douchenozzle Tony Perkins just tweeted out the video link with the message: "Funny or just sad?"

Jimmy Kimmel's Hottie Body Hump Club

On last night's post-Oscars episode of the Jimmy Kimmel show, he ran the below exercise parody bit in which he enlists help from Kelly Ripa, Emily Blunt, Jessica Biel, Eva Longoria, Sofia Vergara, and even a self-mocking Lindsay Lohan. It's ridiculawesome.

PhoboQuotable - Jeffrey Kuhner

"The homosexual lifestyle signifies the triumph of neo-pagan Epicureanism. By its very nature, homosexuality cannot fulfill the primary function of sex: procreation and the reproduction of the human race. It is inherently a socially barren act. A homosexual society is a childless one - doomed to extinction. [snip] Contrary to the claims of liberals, marriage is not a 'civil right' - something to be dispensed at the behest of anyone who wishes it. If this were true, it would unleash the floodgates. Polygamy, 'transgender' unions, bestiality, pedophilia - all forms of deviant sexual behavior could claim discrimination. It is a recipe for moral anarchy and social disintegration. For centuries, public acceptance of homosexuality has been identified with decadence, decline and the fall of civilizations." - Washington Times columnist and wingnut radio commentator Jeffrey Kuhner, who says the other 95% of Americans will stop having babies if same-sex marriage becomes legal.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu...to participate in Sermon @ Grace Cathedral! San Francisco!

As a rule, it is rare to land a scoop, when attending Church.

But, shortly after a "Contemplative Eucharist" was underway at Grace Cathedral last evening on Nob Hill, it was announced that Archbishop Desmond Tutu would be participating in a Sermon next Sunday (March 6th) at 11 a.m.

After noting that the Nobel Peace Prize-winner would be attending a closed-door session on Thursday night, the Reverend was quick to warn the parishioners about the potential pitfalls of trotting in late next week.

"Arrive early!  The pews will probably be filled at Grace Cathedral," she urged with a broad smile on her cherubic face.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu was born in 1931 in Klerksdorp (Transvaal).

The Holy Man's father was a teacher.

Not surprisingly, Tutu first trained as a teacher at Pretoria Bantu Normal College.

After graduating from the University of South Africa in 1954, Desmond toiled as a high school teacher, before his studies on theology commenced.

The charismatic leader was ordained as a priest in 1960.

From 1967 to 1972 - Tutu taught theology in South Africa - before returning to England for three years as the assistant director of a theological institute in London (England).

In 1975, the highly spiritual soul was appointed the Dean of St. Mary's Cathedral in Johannesburg (the first black to hold the position).

Tutu later became General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches - where he formulated his opinions on the importance of  observing "democratic just societies without racial division" - which touted:

1. equal civil rights for all
2. the abolition of South Africa's passport laws
3. a common system of education
4. the cessation of forced deportation from South Africa to the so-called "homelands"

The South African Council of Churches is a contact organization for the churches of South Africa and functions as a National Committee for the World Council of Churches.

By the way, if you've never attended an evening service at Grace Cathedral, give it the old college try!

Last night's scripture-reading was particularly uplifting.

In particular, I found that the "sounding" of the bell" - which chimed periodically throughout the service - resonated to the core of my being.

The "Alleluia" refrain - sung to perfection by the choir and parishioners - caused hearts, minds, and spirits to soar joyously!

The Contemplative Eucharist is calendared for Sundays @ 6 p.m.

Background Feature

Post: 01/20/2008


See 'ya there!
(God Willing)


Grace Cathedral
1100 California Street
San Francisco, CA



Fault line in Mew Zealand

Grace accepting donations for New Zealand Earthquake Victims!

Herman Cain: Obama Is Bordering On Treason Over Non-Defense Of DOMA

"I think it is a breach of presidential duty bordering on treason. The oath of office by the president says that he will protect, observe, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, which means all of its subsequent laws. The fact that he says that he has asked the Department of Justice not to enforce it, to me, is a breach duty as President of the United States." - Potential 2012 GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, repeating the "enforcement" lie of the Christiantist right. DOMA remains in full effect and IS being enforced.

FRC's Tony Perkins Lies: Obama Has Declared He Won't Enforce DOMA

Family Research Council head bigot Tony Perkins is once again making the Baby Jeebus cry by telling the American Family Association radio audience that President Obama has "unilaterally decided not to enforce DOMA." In fact, as we all know, the president has merely decided not to defend DOMA and its full enforcement remains in effect.

BRITAIN: High Court Upholds Banning Of Anti-Gay Foster Parents

In a case that has already seen heavy coverage in the American right-wing press, a British high court has backed a local city council decision to ban foster parents who vow to condemn homosexuality to their children. The case involves Eunice and Owen Johns, who say their right to be foster parents is being denied because of their religious views.
Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson ruled that laws protecting people from discrimination because of their sexual orientation "should take precedence" over the right not to be discriminated against on religious grounds. The Johns are considering an appeal. Derby City Council said previously its first duty was to the children in its care, some of whom were very vulnerable. Speaking outside the court in London, Mrs Johns said: "All we wanted was to offer a loving home to a child in need. We have a good track record as foster parents. "We have been excluded because we have moral opinions based on our faith and we feel sidelined because we are Christians with normal, mainstream, Christian views on sexual ethics. We are prepared to love and accept any child. All we were not willing to do was to tell a small child that the practice of homosexuality was a good thing."
You can bet that this case will somehow be injected into the DOMA battle.

Cut From Last Night's Oscars Show

See? It could have been worse after all.

Porno Pete Launches Boycott Against Chili's For Supporting LGBT Civil Rights

Yesterday Porno Pete LaBarbera posted the above boycott letter sent to the management group of Chili's Restaurants because of a donation the company made to support the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force's annual Creating Change conference. LaBarbera is especially angry because his "undercover spies" reported that the conference featured (GASP!) unisex restrooms. Outrageous!

Lots of companies, of course, donate to the Task Force, but Porno Pete's boycott against Chili's is actually meant as a response to the "hateful anti-Christian" boycott of Chick-Fil-A. But let's use his link anyway and thank Chili's for supporting the civil equality of all Americans.

Thank Chili's for supporting equality.

Selective Punishment

Gaga Releases Born This Way Clip

(Via - Towleroad)

WYOMING: Marriage Ban Dies In House

A bill that would have banned Wyoming from recognizing same-sex marriages from other states has died in the state House.
The Wyoming House adjourned without taking action on a same-sex marriage bill that had already passed the state Senate. Passing the measure would have required a two-thirds vote in both houses. House Majority Floor Leader Rep. Tom Lubnau, R-Gillette, said he didn't want to spend hours of floor time debating a bill that didn't have the votes to pass. The Legislature is set to adjourn next week. Another bill was still pending that would change Wyoming law to specify that the state would only recognize marriages between one man and one woman. Disagreement remained between the House and Senate over whether the state should allow same-sex couples who entered civil unions elsewhere to have access to the state court system to resolve any issues that arise in their relationships.
A local Christianist group has vowed to revive the bill in the next legislative session.

GLAAD Files FCC Complaint Against Anti-Gay Spanish-Language TV Show

In a joint move with the National Hispanic Coalition, GLAAD announced today that it is filing an FCC complaint against the Spanish-language show, Jose Luis sin Censura, which routinely features anti-LGBT hate speech and has encouraged audience members to attack gay guests on the program.
In over twenty episodes that aired between June 18 and December 7, 2010, the program contained images and language of the nature that is never displayed or is bleeped out of pre-taped English-language programs of the same nature, including the words "pinche" ("f*cking" in English) and "culero" ("assf*cker"), anti-gay language, including epithets such as ""maricón," "joto" and "puñal" (or "f*ggot"), and anti-Latino slurs, such as "mojado" ("wetback"). The program frequently featured blatant nudity and female guests have been shown in violent fights. Hypersexualized images of women's breasts and genitals while stripping for male guests and audience members also make up routine offerings. Guests and audience members were often incited to engage in verbal and even physical attacks, especially against people perceived to be LGBT. Many episodes showed the audience standing and shouting anti-gay epithets and profanity at guests.
An online public petition to the FCC has also been launched. The below clip is very NSFW.

Concerned Women Are Concernstipated About Obama Fiddling With DOMA

Get it? Obama is fiddling while marriage burns. Oh my sides.

(Via - Good As You)

BRITAIN: Cricket Star Comes Out

Britain now has its first openly gay cricket star.
England wicketkeeper Steve Davies has revealed he is gay, becoming the country's first top cricketer to come out. Davies has played eight one-day internationals and five Twenty20 matches for England and was a member of the victorious Ashes squad as back-up gloveman to Matt Prior. Welsh rugby international Gareth Thomas, former NBA player John Amaechi and the late footballer Justin Fashanu are the only other high-profile British sports stars to have come out. Davies told The Sun: "I'm comfortable with who I am and happy to say who I am in public. To speak out is a massive relief for me, but if I can just help one person to deal with their sexuality then that's all I care about.
Davies says he was inspired to come out by rugby star Gareth Thomas, who has issued a message of support.

Brian Brown Vs. Freedom To Marry

John Boehner: I'd Be Very Surprised If The House Doesn't Decide To Defend DOMA

House Speaker John Boehner to CBN:
“I’m really disappointed in the President and the Department of Justice in the fact that they’re not going to defend a law that Congress passed overwhelmingly. It’s their responsibility to do that. Now, it’s happened before where administrations have decided they weren’t going to go out and vigorously defend a law that Congress passed but I really am disappointed in the President in his actions but if the President won’t lead, if the President won’t defend DOMA then you’ll see the House of Representatives defend our actions in passing a bill that frankly passed overwhelmingly. I’d be very surprised if the House didn’t decide that they were going to defend law.”

HomoQuotable - Andrew Sullivan

"The chance to be part of a whole new experiment in online and print journalism, in the Daily Beast and Newsweek adventure, is just too fascinating and exciting a challenge to pass up. And to work with media legends, Barry Diller and Tina Brown, and with the extraordinary businessmen Sidney Harman and Stephen Colvin, is the opportunity of a lifetime." - Andrew Sullivan, announcing that his blog is leaving its four-year home at The Atlantic.

Matt Baume: This Week In Prop 8

Miss Selfridge comes to Dubai Mall!!!

Miss Selfridge, one of the UK’s hottest fashion brands, has opened its door to young style-savvy fashionistas at The Dubai Mall’s Fashion Avenue First Floor. Famous for its exciting ‘fashion only’ proposition, Miss Selfridge brings the latest fashion Trend to Dubai giving shoppers the best of the season’s trends. 

The new flagship store features the latest Miss Selfridge store concept. Fresh from Oxford Street in London, it delivers the widest range of Miss Selfridge fashion to consumers in the Middle East.

The new store also introduces Dubai to the exciting Miss Selfridge spring summer 2011 collection. Shoppers will find a wide range of vintage inspired pieces which capture the 70s inspired looks of the season – a trend which Miss Selfridge captured the first time around as pioneers on the high street in that decade. 

Printed dresses and embroidered pieces in delicate yet intricate silhouettes come in a range of fashionable hues - from burnt orange and playful pinks; to moody blues and flattering nudes. Tapered trousers and wide legged pants are right on trend, complemented perfectly by stacked platforms and pretty flats. The stylish Miss Selfridge spring summer 2011 collection is sure to meet every fashionista’s needs.

Video & Picture: Chaos over Bieber being rude.

Justin Bieber comment on the above video saying....

And a girl said something bout Bieber and Bieber DMed her. She refused to twitpic it. 
So she tweeted what Bieber said....

What do u think of this situation? Give us a comment below!

Picture: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Picture Booth!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I love Blogging

mmmm...currently I have this in my Google Adsense account.

Last year, I earned $100.33 just by doing the things I love while surfing the net....sharing photos, youtube videos and cool links.

Sweet, right?

This is just a penny compared to other professional , hardcore bloggers out there
But if you want to learn my little secrets and few techniques, just feel free to subscribe on this blog
so I can update you anytime.

I accept, I'm no expert on this field yet but I do know some little techniques that might be
able to help you in this journey. 

For now, let me know your status. That is if you're a first time blogger or  blogger
who's struggling to get the world's attention. *winks.

Feel free to comment below. So I know where to start.

See you on my next blog : "How To Create Your Own Blog For Free"

83rd Academy Awards

This is last award ceremony of the award season this year!!
It started with the Golden Globes, SAG, BRIT, Grammys and now finally the Oscars.

It was a fantastic day at the red carpet!! Everyone was gorgeous...
Colour of the day is RED

Anne Hathaway, the gorgeous host of the night in Valentino Couture! She changed to many outfits while hosting and all were beautiful! She's so pretty and have an awesome body!

Jennifer Hudson also in Valentino. She just keeps getting better on the red carpet. I would say, she's the biggest improvement.

Sandra Bullock also in red. This is by my favourite designer, Vera Wang! The colour looks great on her! When I saw her on TV, I'm like she's so beautiful!! Everyone in red was HOT!

Penelope Cruz with husband Javier Bardem. Penelope's wearing more to maroon. For a mother who just gave birth to a daughter a few weeks ago, that's just unfair to have that body! Like she never got pregnant at all!

Next, purple...

This is definitely Natalie Portman's year!! Once again, congratulations to Natalie for winning best actress in Black Swan! She's lovely in purple and this dress doesn't really show her growing bump which is good! It's flowy and very comfortable looking. Love Natalie =))

Scarlett Johansson looking sexy in lace. The lace is actually quite see through especially the behind. Luckily, her recent divorce from Ryan Reynolds didn't damper her fashion style!

Mila Kunis in lavender, a lighter shade of purple. This Ellie Saab dress is very young looking on her and very fresh.

More colours..

Amy Adams is stunning in glittery blue. Although it's simple, I really love the dress coz of it's outstanding colour.

Hailee Steinfeld in Marchesa. For such a young girl, it was very age appropriate. Oh, one thing, she actually helped design this dress! Cool! She's so sweet and fresh!

Halle Berry finally redeemed herself from all the other red carpet disaster. She's gorgeous in this nude colour dress.

Hilary Swank was also lovely in this feather-y dress. I just think perhaps a little accessory will be much better.

Nicole Kidman went for something different for the Oscars. I'm not sure I'm a fan of this gown. For one, all I see is white. Her skin is pale, the dress is white and nothing very flattering.  

Reese Witherspoon, on the other hand, shows that keeping it simple is sometimes better! I'm in love with her hair tied up in that style. She's beautiful =))

I'm quite shocked to actually see Aishwarya Rai at the Oscars!! What was she doing there?? But, oh, she's splendid in this earth coloured gown. She's the most beautiful Bollywood celeb!

The men were also very sleek and dressed up to the nines;

Congratulations to Colin Firth for winning Best Actor in the King's Speech- yet again! He looks good and I'm quite a fan of him!

Andrew Garfield is as neat as always. I can't wait to see him in the Spiderman's costume =p

Zachary Levi, from the geek in Chuck to this handsome man on the red carpet. You should see him sing with Mandy Moore on stage! That guy can sing!

Justin Timberlake in Tom Ford. He said that the suit was especially tailored to fit him like a glove and he can't breathe in it *laughs* Well, all for the sake of fashion =p

Biggest absence on the red carpet are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie(where are they??) and George Clooney. Also James Franco as the host didn't walk the red carpet =(

The winners as predicted all came true. It seems Anne Hathaway and James Franco didn't fulfil expectations as co-hosts like how Hugh Jackman put up a fantastic show last year. I saw bits and pieces of the award show but I was more focused on E! Red Carpet arrivals. From what I gather, Anne and James were not that funny but Anne can really sing! I say give them a break! This is their fist time and they did put up a nice show!

WISCONSIN: Fox News Reporters Complain About "Hateful" Pro-Union Protesters

Academy Award Winners

Best Picture - The King's Speech.
Best Leading Actor - Colin Firth, The King's Speech.
Best Leading Actress - Natalie Portman, Black Swan.
Best Director- Tom Hooper, The King's Speech.
Best Supporting Actor - Christian Bale, The Fighter.
Best Supporting Actress - Melissa Leo, The Fighter.
Best Foreign Language Film - In A Better World.
Best Animated Film - Toy Story 3.
Best Song - Randy Newman, Toy Story 3.

There were others, but you've already forgotten them. Not the gayest Oscar night ever, but I did note at least two shout-outs to gay partners, including from one of the Best Picture producers, who thanked his "boyfriend."

Oscars Open Thread

Go nuts, y'all.

Walt Whitman...In Paths Untrodden! Calamus & LBGT cultural exhibit! San Francisco Library!

Skylight Gallery @ San Francisco Library

Walt Whitman has always been a beloved poet who impacted many lives over the decades he strode this mortal coil penning poetry and prose.

Now, on the 150th anniversary of the 1st publication of Whitman's - "homo-affectional" poem titled "Calamus" - the San Francisco Main Library staff have installed a thought-provoking tribute to the man.

"This exhibition articulates the place and importance of "Calamus" in LGBT culture and draws a connection between the poems and the creation of the modern LGBT community (with an emphasis on the Radical Fairie Movement)," according to the curators.

With the discerning artful use of text, photos, antiquarian books and newspapers - the exhibit seeks to fathom up Whitman’s vision of the “love of comrades” - and the social and political role he saw it playing in that larger project (the creation of America).


Gay & Lesbian Center
Exhibit Space
San Francisco Main Library
100 Larkin St.
San Francisco, CA

(415) 557-4400


March 1st - May 19th