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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Paris Hilton, the heiress of hotels, has a unique ride. She is driving a Bentley and she parked it just in the streets so that many would notice it. Paris Hilton was going to the gym for her sessions. The pink car of Paris Hilton catches so many attention because of its unique color and the driver is Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton has so many unique things just like her headphone, bag and her attire. Paris Hilton likes pink for her things that she brings.


Jennifer Lopez has a new album that will be released this coming May 23. The second tract is titled I'M into you featuring Lil Wayne. The upbeat song will surely be a big hit once the album LOVE will be in the record bars around the world. Jennifer Lopez has never faded until now. She has surely made her name part in the Hollywood music industry as one of the best performing artist.


Victoria Secret has just recently launched their swimsuit wear collection for 2011. The Victoria Secret models were very showy in their swim wears led by Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio and Candice Swanepoel. These girls can really make things hot this summer for Victoria Secret has successfully launched the swim wear edition. According to the spectators of the fashion launch, Victoria Secret has definitely made things possible with class in their swimsuit edition.

Enrique Iglesias...pulls out of Britney Spears - er - tour! Diva (Latino Idol) miffed at 2nd billing!

No way, Jose!

Enrique Iglesias angrily stomped his foot, and pulled out of the Britney Spears tour late yesterday afternoon, after the Pop Diva announced to a gushing fan base that the sexy heartthrob would be hitting the road as her warm-up act.


Handlers noted in a terse press statement that the popular crooner was under the impression that the gig was going to be a "double-bill".

Once the disgruntled hit-maker caught wind of - what he perceived as a "step down" in his career - he was quick to cut the ties that bound him to the loopy Pop Star on a rebound in her own career daze.

What a humiliation!

And, you thought Divas only came in the female variety, eh?


Super Britney!
(not so superb to Enrique)

Jay Leno Show...Helen Hunt a control freak! Snatches cue cards from host's hands!

Surf is up!
(so was Hunt's ire!)

Over the years, make-up and wardrobe personnel at the studios (and in the employ of Independent Film companies) have tittered that Oscar Award-Winning actress - Helen Hunt - was difficult to work with.

After Ms. Hunt's appearance on the Jay Leno Show last night - it was quite evident to the multitudes that the normally low-key movie star is not only a control freak - but an ill-mannered guest to contend with!

Bookers on the late-night circuit beware!

An old Chinese proverb says it all.

"Never insult a host in his own home."

If you want to be asked back, that is.

So, what was all the brouhaha about?

When the talented thespian (who has played opposite respected biggies in the industry like megastar Jack Nicholson) was asked to participate in a quiz about surfing, a short way into the upbeat segment - the pushy broad not only balked at some of the questions - but was inclined to snatch the cue cards right out of Jay's sweaty palm!

Mr. Leno reacted politely, in spite of her outrageous behavior, but was obviously startled by Hunt's insulting conduct and lack of sense of humor (judging by the expression on his face).

Hunt was on the top-rated talk show to tout her new feature which is about the gripping real-life tale of a female surfer (which has been adapted for the Silver Screen) who lost her arm in a shark attack.

Hunt, getting on in years, was cast to play the mother for obvious reasons.

Because the ultra thin (she was all bones if 'ya ask moi) actress boasted to be a surfer, Jay was posed a few questions - understandably so - in an amusing bold-faced effort to sort-out the lingo surfers often coolly spit out as they dart off to hang ten.

Ms. Hunt wasn't put off by the first expression "gnarly", but - not surprisingly- she didn't get it quite right.

When Jay offered up the next expression - "tubed" - she reacted suspiciously (just betcha, she thought she was going to be the brunt of some twisted on-camera joke).

At this juncture, the ice Queen not only went through the roof, but committed the unthinkable.


Hunt put a halt to this phase of the interview, and did so, without an apology.

Across the country, I expect viewers at home were screaming at their television sets.


And, how was your day?


Leno fast on feet!

Teabaggers Praise Donald Trump

At today's Tea Party rally in DC.

ILLINOIS: Porno Pete LaBarbera Readies Anti-Marriage Petition Campaign

JMG reader Patrick writes: "I just happened across the old Protect Marriage Illinois website, (the one set up by the Illinois Family Institute a few years back when they unsuccessfully tried to get a marriage referendum on the ballot), and after years of inactivity, it's currently displaying a message stating that a 'Citizen Petitions to Protect Marriage in Illinois' is coming soon, with the Americans for Truth email as a contact."

It was Porno Pete who in 2006 spearheaded the failed attempt to gather 500,000 signatures to put a ban on same-sex marriage on the state ballot. That was when he was president of the SPLC-certified hate group, IFI. It's hard to say whether this latest attempt could be any more successful, but these days, who knows? I'm sure Equality Illinois is watching this.

Solomon's Temple

As soon as Kentucky's Creation Museum finishes their "full-scale replica" of Noah's Ark, they're going to build an accompanying Solomon's Temple, but "it's not going to be some sort of secular temple where all sorts of weird religious ceremonies are held." Whew! Also on the drawing plans, the Tower Of Babel.

NYC's Cobra Saga Endsssss

A fun diversion while it lasted, yes? No reaction yet on the cobra's Twitter account.

TAMPA: Battle Over 2012 GOP Convention

Earlier this year the GOP awarded next year's presidential convention to Tampa. But now GOP state organizations in Iowa and South Carolina say the convention must be relocated if Florida doesn't move its primary to a date after theirs. Currently Florida's primary is scheduled to be the first, an issue the GOP also squabbled over in 2008.
Florida's 2012 GOP presidential primary is scheduled for Jan. 31. Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina are the only states under the RNC rules that are allowed to hold a presidential caucus or primary before March 1. The Republican National Committee is not budging. "The convention will be in Tampa," said RNC spokesman Sean Spicer. "At the same time, we will enforce the rules agreed to by all states with respect to the primary and caucus calendar." In a letter to RNC members today, South Carolina GOP Chairwoman Karen Floyd said Florida's Republican-led Legislature is "thumbing its nose at the RNC" by refusing to change a 2007 law that states Florida must hold their presidential primary on the last Tuesday in January.

PANAMA: Lesbian Couple Jailed For Kiss

Onscreen clip translation by Andres Duque at Blabbeando. He reports:
On Sunday, 32 year old Valentina Hernandez (right) and her 23 year old girlfriend were enjoying a romantic walk down the streets of the historic Casco Antigüo colonial district of Panama City when she stopped to give her girlfriend a kiss. Hernandez, a psychologist by profession, reached out to Panamanian newspaper Prensa and shared details of what followed. Hernandez says that a member of Panama's presidential guard who had seen them kiss approached them and accused them of improper behavior. When Hernandez asked him to explain clearly which law they had violated, the guard grew exasperated and called for reinforcement. She says that ten other members of the Institutional Protective Service (S.P.I.) quickly showed up and took her ID and cell phone as they whisked the couple to the local police precinct. Hernandez says that, once they reached the precinct, she was given an intrusive body check by a policewoman. "I felt they touched me everywhere," she said, "They rubbed their hands on my genitals, it was disgusting, my girlfriend was asked to take her pants off." Hernandez says that they were both held behind bars for hours until the authorities asked her to sign a three-page document which they did not allow her to read completely but in which she was told she would free the authorities of any responsibility for their detention. "I signed," she said, "because I did not want to spend a night in a jail cell."

Prince Harry...snores! Jets to North Pole for Reds! "Best Man" speech to humor!

Prince Harry crawled out of a glorified pup tent bright-and-early at the crack-of-dawn this morning in the great white North - braving twenty-below-zero weather - and summarized the harrowing experience this way.

"Things went on in there that won't be discussed ever again," he wickedly laughed to a dotting reporter who was all ears!

A tent-mate was quick on the uptake, too, as he confided the awful truth.

Prince Harry snores!

"It's sort-of a cozy snore. Like...a 'hmmm'," he laughed boisterously.

"The Prince has a sort-of base 'thing' going on," which wasn't too difficult to suffer through, the pal was quick to point out to soften the blow.

Years ago, I was forced to kick a lover out of bed (and end a relationship) - because of snoring that was so loud and obnoxious - that it kept me awake all night.

I tried to follow the advice of Ann Landers, before taking action, though.

In one column many moons ago, a reader solicited Ms. Landers for a solution to the problem when faced with a chronic snorer.

"Just give the person a jab in the side," she urged the sleepless correspondent.

According to Ms. Landers, the snorer would respond with a turn to their side - and ultimately - free up the breathing passage so the hapless individual could sleep properly (and peacefully) once again.


It didn't work for moi, no Sir!

The one-on-one interview with a "Good Morning America" reporter was a bit of a coup for the Network, by the way, especially when you consider that the Royals are generally tight-lipped when it comes to the prying press.

The ambitious newsie managed to gain the trust of the Prince since both support a similar cause.

Both are concerned about the plight of soldiers on the battlefield, and in the aftermath, when they return home (oftentimes scarred by the horrors of War).

But, one subject was off-limits, and strictly taboo.

Prince Harry declined to comment on wild speculations that ran rampant in the media recently in respect to  the  infamous "stag" party he was supposed to toss for his brother - Wills - which never materialized for some inexplicable reason.

Did his grandmother (Queen E 2) step in and nix the celebrations?

If so, Harry wasn't fessing up!

The answer is blowing in the cold North wind!

Meanwhile, Prince Harry is scheduled to fly to the North Pole tomorrow (weather permitting)  to spend five days with the troops to boost their morale.

When questioned about his stint in Afghanistan three years ago, he waxed poetic a bit - but, for the most part - was pretty forthcoming and down-to-earth in his response.

"Everyone comes together. You are responsible for the guy to your left and to your right. There is a sense of payback, too."

The reporter quizzed the lad about the real possibility about having to kill in the line of duty.

How did Prince Harry feel about that end scenario?

"A job is a job," he stated matter-of-fact, without pulling any punches.

"You progress with your life."

Prince Harry was elated at the prospect of maneuvering the Apache, a helicopter he has been assigned to fly when he returns to the front lines.

"I feel very lucky for the opportunity. The Apache is safe. And, powerful."

Surprisingly, Harry did not hold back when the topic turned to the upcoming wedding at the end of the month.

"They're the perfect match," he beamed, in reference to William and Kate.

The single (available) bachelor was inclined to cheer on his sister-in-law, and welcome her to the family with open arms, too.

"She's like a big sister. I am looking forward to going under her wing."

In a poignant moment, the freckled-faced helicopter pilot admitted that he would have liked to have had a younger brother or sister.

Of course, that family situation didn't pan out, due to the untimely death of Lady Diana.

The Prince was adamant that the thoughts of the Royal family will be with his mother on the day of the nuptials.

"I think she would be proud of William," he assured the reporter.

Prince Charles - though quite busy - has allegedly been quite hand-on in his role as father of the groom, too, according to Harry.

The Prince was pretty candid about his upcoming speech at the much-ballyhooed celebrations across the big pond, as well.

"My grandmother will be there. But, it will not be unlike any other Best Man's speech," he grinned.

The Prince promises to sprinkle the send-off tribute with a bit of humor, for sure!

Will any deep dark secrets be divulged?

If so, he's not telling.

Loose lips sink ships, after all.

However, Harry let one juicy bit of gossip slip during the course of a conversation with a news outlet, whether he intended to or not.

Prince William was pining to marry two years ago, but - allegedly -put off  his plans because of the frenzied swirl of pressure that the lovebirds encountered daily because of a vigilant press out to land a "scoop".

But, Wills is ready to take the plunge, now.

Congrats to William & Kate!


Lovebirds savoring informal moment!

New Blog

Where girls submit photos of their gay high school boyfriends.

COLORADO: Christianists Gather To Pray Against Passage Of Civil Unions Bill

Happening at the Colorado capitol building right now, according to the Catholic News Agency:
Colorado Catholics and others in a coalition opposed to a civil unions bill will gather on the state capitol’s eastern steps on March 31 for a noontime prayer vigil. Auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley of Denver has invited others to join him at the event. "The domestic Church (founded on marriage between one man and one woman) is the very basis of society and an image of the Triune God," he said. He asked those who cannot make the vigil to "please join in prayer where ever you are for this most important issue." Catholic laity, seminarians and a contingent from the Colorado Springs-based evangelical Christian ministry Focus on the Family will be among the attendees.
(Via -Dan Savage)

CockNBullKid- Asthma Attack

More lovely 60s-inspired pop from Britain's Anita Blay, AKA CockNBullKid. Some of you enjoyed her last release, Hold On To Your Misery.

DELAWARE: Civil Unions Bill Advances

Yesterday Delaware's proposed civil unions bill advanced out of a state Senate committee after a boisterous debate featuring the usual anti-gay bigots.
The Rev. Rick Hensley, pastor of Grace and Truth Community Church in Felton said he was raised by a single mother who lived a "homosexual lifestyle." But she left that lifestyle, he said, and so did her partner. That proves such orientations are a choice, not innate, he said. "They are wonderful people, and I don't have anything bad to say about them," Hensley said. "I love them. But the lie we are talking about is that this is something innate, unchangeable. ... Freedom to pursue sexual orientation does not necessitate fundamentally redefining marriage in our society." "If you do that, you run a perilous path. And this is a step toward same-sex marriage. We all in this room know that," Hensley said. The Rev. Dale Mast, pastor of Destiny Christian Church of Dover, said he had a dear friend who was gay, whom he counseled and stood beside, who got AIDS and "went on a sexual rampage out of his anger." Mast said he fears what would come next if Delaware adopted civil unions -- heterosexual unions with 14-year-old girls? He said pastors in Southeast Asia have told him of grandfathers taking their granddaughters to hotel rooms."I encourage you not to pass this," he said. "What else will come?"
One former Delaware state Senator said he'd been personally sent to testify against the bill by Jesus Christ, who is apparently worried about having to send all of Delaware to hell.

San Francisco Giants...Brandon Belt emotional over nod! Rag-tag wonders play Dodgers today!

Who said that grown men don't cry?

When management in the front office informed Brandon Belt that he was given the nod for a coveted spot on the twenty-five-man Giants roster for the upcoming baseball season, he did just that.

But, his were tears of joy!

"This has been a dream all my life. It's the best thing that ever happened to me," he tearfully confided to a posse of probing reporters who swarmed around the rookie yesterday afternoon to gobble up the scoop first-hand.

"Except for my marriage," he gushed in almost an after-thought, as his face turned beet red.

The kid is going to have to get used to the attention, I guess!

The news came as no surprise to me or my readers at leonel gosphar. 

Yesterday, I pointed out that it was probably a "go" for the 1st Baseman amidst a lot of wild speculation (pro and con) that ran rampant in sports circles this past week.

Post:  03/30/2011


The move was a bit iffy for obvious reasons.

But, Bent's performance this last season in the minor leagues, grabbed the attention of the scouts, nonetheless.

During spring training, the shy ballplayer (who team mate Buster Posey has nick-named "Beller") hit at .282 with 3 homers and and 13 RBIs, enough bait to give the kid from nowhere a shot at the big leagues.

Notwithstanding, fans may recall that a rag-tag Giants team that was tossed together last season with a hope-and-a-prayer (and a lot of gumption of the part of the General Manager), roared on to win the World Championships.

One reporter on the nightly news referred to the Belt "break" as one of the "feel good" stories of the day.


Within hours of the announcement to the press, Belt hopped on a jet alongside the rest of the Giants, to journey on to Los Angeles where he'll play in the "Opener" against the Dodgers today.

Sports enthusiasts, meanwhile, are ecstatic.

In fact, so much so, that a posse of fans rustled up the funds to purchase a banner to hoist up over the stadium in LA LA LAND, which will read:

SF Giants 2010
Champs: Beat LA

The ubiquitous in-your-face slogan is 75 feet long and 50 feet high and was crafted at a cost of approximately $6,500.

Folks who can't make the game in person can catch it on ESPN or KNBR (680 AM).

I am predicting a win!

By the way, the Giants beat out the Oakland A's yesterday.


Dodger Stadium in smog city!

Parents Pay Tribute To Fallen Soldier Son Who Died In The Closet Due To DADT

Watch this.

(Tipped by JMG reader Amber)

Tweet Of The Day - Porno Pete

Presumably PFOX head Quinlan's "testimony" won't include mention of his ex-wife, who dumped his totally gay ass four years ago after they'd paraded themselves on Christian networks as models of reformed homosexuals.

INDIANA: State GOP Rep Claims Women Will Fake Rape To Get Free Abortions

While the Indiana House yesterday considered what would be one of the nation's most restrictive anti-abortion laws, the bill's GOP sponsor, Rep. Eric Turner, objected to a proposed "loophole" in the law, claiming that women will fake having been raped in order to get free abortions. That set Rep. Linda Lawson (D) off on the tirade also seen in the clip below.

Cleo's Next Top Blogger 2011 part 4

Hey readers, kindly asking your favour and time to vote for me here: http://www.askcleo.com/index.php?option=com_idoblog&task=viewpost&id=10941&Itemid=61

But first, you will need to register with askcleo here: http://www.askcleo.com/index.php?option=com_user&task=register

To vote, you need to comment with a ‘thumbs up’…You can follow my lead in the comments section.
One person can vote for me many times!! Closing date is 10th April 2011.
So, if you have the time please vote for me as many times as you can, ya!
Really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart...Help me live my dream of becoming Cleo's Next Top Blogger 2011!
For more info, click here: http://www.askcleo.com.my/campaigns/topblogger/

XOXO *muacks*

Open Thread Thursday

What's delicious? Favorites recipes and specialties, please.

Woman In Pants Are An Abomination

No, wearing leggings AS pants is an abomination.

(Via - On Knees For Jesus)

Catholic League Vs. Macy's

The Catholic League is pissed at Macy's for the above display window promoting Showtime's upcoming series, The Borgias, which was "written by an atheist who hates the Catholic Church." Bill Donohue: "Why Macy's would want to pick a fight with Catholics during the Lenten season is not known, but that it has is certain." Wikipedia's entry on the Borgia family, one of whom became Pope, notes: "They have been accused of many different crimes, including adultery, simony, theft, rape, bribery, incest, and murder." Which is the real reason Donohue hates seeing the series promoted.

Cleo's Next Top Blogger 2011 part 3

Hence, after many many shots and many other directions,
the final effect:

Then we had a group shot. For the group shot, I changed to the heels by Nose. It's the coolest heels ever. It's 5 inches high yet it was comfortable to walk! Surprising!

                                                             Fantastic pumps!

The final group shot...

I had a really fun day of three and a half hours of photoshoot!! Now I know, the hardship of being a model of knowing how to pose. It's quite hard you know!! I love all the pictures thanks to Cleo!

Finally, remember to register at http://www.askcleo.com.my to VOTE for me later on =))) Thank you!!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I did and the journey of the story I depicted!! Also, I just want to say how supportive my parents have been(I have the coolest parents on the face on the earth!!) and my friends are the best!! I love all of you!!

Stay tuned for the voting in Cleo!!
To be continued....

Pat Condell: The Great Jesus Swindle

Another winner from my favorite YouTube atheist.

Teabagger GOP Rep. Sean Duffy: I Can't Live On My Terrible Salary Of $174,000

Talking Points Memo reports that the GOP is furiously trying to scrub the net of the below video in which freshman Tea Party-backed GOP Rep. Sean Duffy (WI) complains about his annual salary of $174,000.
A day after TPM posted the video we obtained of Duffy talking about his salary at a Polk County town hall meeting earlier this year, the Polk County GOP contacted the video provider we used to host the video, Blip.tv, and demanded the video be taken down. The tape caused a stir for Duffy, a first-term conservative best known for his past as a reality TV show star on MTV's The Real World. Democrats flagged the comments about his taxpayer-funded salary (which is nearly three times the median income in Wisconsin) and criticisms began to flow Duffy's way.
Duffy, who has six kids, was endorsed for office by the Wisconsin hate group that pushed for a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

Tax Campaign: Refuse To Lie

Equality Florida tips us to a new campaign in which legally married gay couples will "refuse to lie" and will therefore file joint tax returns.
Each year the federal government demands that thousands of married couples lie. The federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) not only denies legally married gay couples the benefits of heterosexual marriage, but we are also told to disavow our spouses and file our taxes as "single." The Federal Government must stop requiring legally married gay couples to deny the existence of our families and hide our marriages. It is dehumanizing and it is wrong. Across the country, legally married gay couples are taking a stand. We are refusing to lie about the fact that we are married.
Refuse To Lie organizers warn: "Taking this principled stand is not without risk and each person doing so needs to carefully consider those risks before deciding if it is a stand you are willing to take." Facebook page here.

VIDEO: Manhattan Gay Bashing

Surveillance video has been released of this weekend's gay bashing of Damian Furtch, 26, on a West Village street. GLAAD has been advising Furtch, who eloquently spoke out against the attack on local news channels last night. Furtch to GLAAD: "The attack against me is part of the larger issue of violence against gay and transgender people in New York City. While I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story, I hope to shed light on the larger issue of violence against my community. This has to stop. Under no circumstance should a person be attacked for their sexual orientation." Openly gay NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, in whose district the attack occurred, spent time yesterday handing out flyers near the crime scene. No suspects have yet been apprehended.

House Seat Apportionments


Donald Trump: I'm Proud To Be A Birther

"A lot of the so called birthers, these are great people, these are really great American people. These are hard working, unbelievable, salt of the earth people. I'm proud to be, I mean I'm very proud of it. I don't like the term 'birther.' I think it is a demeaning term to the people that believe that he should have a birth certificate, that some people believe he was not born in this country. And when people ask me that question I just can't be sure because nobody knows. I have a birth certificate. People have birth certificates. He doesn't have a birth certificate. He may have one but there is something on that birth certificate — maybe religion, maybe it says he's a Muslim, I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want that. Or, he may not have one." - Donald Trump, on his new role as birther spokesman.

Rep. Anthony Weiner Jokes About His Name At Correspondents Dinner

And aims a lot of zingers at the GOP.

(Via - Towleroad)

Montana GOP Rep Defends Drunk Drivers

Cleo's Next Top Blogger 2011 part 2

Okay, every girl dreams to be a model one day. I think my dream kinda came true eventhough it was only for one day!! *laughs*

The photoshoot was held at Picture This studio at Sunway Damansara, PJ. All I could say was that I kinda lost my way but thank God for GPS and whoever created it was a genius!!!! LOL

I met Ms Loh Yook Hwa who was the lady in charge and we immediately went to choose outfits. She was very kind, soft spoken and nice. I tried on two outfits from F Block which were a white spaghetti fringe dress and a one shoulder toga dress. But we finally decided on the purple Miss Selfridge dress. I love all the dresses there *hearts*

                                                          Dress by Miss Selfridge      

Then I went on to hair and make up. My hair was done with big wavy curls using an iron tong. I LOVED the final effect. I've always dreamt of having such curls. It was sooo beautiful. I joked to bring the hairdresser home with me so that she could use her magic on my hair everyday *laughs*

                                                Janoah and Farra getting theirs done

Then I went on to makeup. My make up artist, Joey was very friendly. She did her magic on my eyes and the smoky effect was AWESOME!! I was really a different person after that!



I was the third person to do the shoot. There were 4 other girls which are Janoah, Farra, Anfaal and Tammy. When it came to my turn, I was actually quite nervous because it was my first time!

Okay so here's how the photoshoot went;
I was supposed to stand at one position, put my left hand on my hip and smile naturally. First take- not good. So the photographer said, tilt your head to the left, chin abit higher, left leg one step in front and turn your body to the right abit. I’m like ‘There’s too many directions!!’ The best part was the last advice. On top of all the directions, he told me, ‘Relax and be natural’ I was already stiff with the position given LMAO!!!!!!!!

Overall, I think I did good. I gave my 'best natural looking smile' *laughs*

For the final effect, stay tuned for part 3 =p
To be continued...

Eurovision: Bulgaria's Poli Genova

Known to some as Bulgaria's version of Pink, at the age of nine Genova was the host of the popular television show Bon-Bon. Her title of her entry translates as Stubborn and is a call for young Bulgarians to resist emigrating to other countries.

Justin Bieber “BABY” Hits 500,000,000 views on Youtube ! OMG!!!

Whoooah! Bieber fever is certainly intense! Justin Bieber's "Baby" hits 500,000,000 views on youtube and counting.. Will it reach a billion views? We'll see.. Now that this news has been spread online through popular websites, blogs and networking sites, the likelihood is high.

Here's the video of JB's "Baby".. You can watch the video right here on leonel gosphar or watch it on youtube and check the hits this video is getting. Right now as of this writing, the hits is at 502,879,433 (March 31, 2011, 5:36pm)

Cleo's Next Top Blogger 2011!!

OMG!! I'm so excited. I was chosen to be one of the five finalists of Cleo's Next Top Blogger!! For more details, see HERE

I didn't think I would stand a chance of being a finalist let alone getting a call from Cleo and going for a photoshoot *jumps with joy*

Okay, so here the story goes...
Back in February, I found the ad in Cleo about this contest and decided since I'm already a blogger, why not join. After all, there's no harm to it; just write based on the topic given and submit it.

The submission closed on 4th March. It was actually running for a month. Then on 7th March(Monday) I got a call from Cleo saying that I'm in the 'running' to be one of the five finalists. It was not finalised yet. She asked a few questions and then told me if I was selected I will be receiving an e-mail most probably late that evening or the next morning. If I don't, I was not chosen.

Late that evening, I did not receive any e-mail from Cleo so I thought, okay I guess I was not chosen. Kinda disappointed actually. But the next morning, I finally received the e-mail!! *smiles*

It says: 'Hi there, Congratulations! You’ve been selected as one of the five finalists of the CLEO’s Next Top Blogger contest'  =)))

The photoshoot was the very next day and I was excited. This was my first photoshoot after all =))) I was surprised, overjoyed, nervous, all kinds of feelings in one *laughs*

I really want to thank Cleo for giving me this opportunity! Now that I'm one of the five finalists, we'll be given a topic every month till June and people will have to vote for our writings. The one with the least votes, will be eliminated. I hope I will not be the first one eliminated XD

So, PLEASE VOTE for ME!!! Go to http://www.askcleo.com/ register yourself there and when it's time to vote, I will direct you to the page. To vote, you need to give a thumbs up in the comment. But wait for my cue ya!!! I want to thank all of you in advance *muacks*

Stay tuned for what happened behind the scenes of the photoshoot....
To be continued...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Travis McCoy

Yes, we will be alright.

WASHINGTON: Legislature Votes To Recognize Out Of State Gay Marriages

Today the Washington state Senate voted 28-19 to recognize all legal partnerships (marriages, civil unions, etc) from other jurisdictions. The state House approved the bill last month.
“This bill is about making sure that people who love one another - and that love and friendship respected and honored in another state or another country - when they come here they have the same opportunity,” Sen. Kevin Ranker, D- San Juan Island, said on the Senate floor. Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, cautioned lawmakers against passing the bill because he argued it would subject the Legislature to laws that other state legislatures pass.
The bill now goes to Gov. Chris Gregoire, who has promised to sign it.

OUT Magazine...Men's fashion show @ Macy's! Trevor Project fundraiser!


Daniel Radcliffe donated to Trevor Project last year!

Marc by Marc Jacobs Menswear featured!

Now that spring is in full-swing - and the birds & the bees are buzzing - stylish males are striding out the front door with a bounce in their step in search of scintillating eye-catching fashions to strut their stuff as the sizzling hot daze of summer approaches.

On Friday - April 1st (no fooling!) - style-concious dudes won't have to go farther than Macy's to snap up a few wardrobe essentials for sure!

After all - OUT Magazine is hosting a jazzy men's runway show featuring exquisite collections of Menswear from - Hugo Boss, Armani Jeans, Tallia, Micah Cohen, Marc by Marc Jacobs, and the Sons of Intrigue - to name a few!

Yigit Pura - the Executive Pastry Chef of "Taste Catering & Event Planning" (winner of the premiere season of Bravo's Top Chef: Just Desserts) - will be on hand to serve up delectable treats, too.

The fundraiser benefits The Trevor Project (one of Daniel Radcliff's charities, of course).

The organization utilizes monies coming into the non-profit's coffers to focus on crisis and suicide prevention efforts in the LGBT community.



A minium suggested donation for entry to the event is $25.00!

See 'ya there...


Spanking new James Bond?

Matt Barber Claims Death Threats Over Comments On LGBT Youth Suicides

Today Liberty Counsel spokesdouche Matt Barber claims to Porno Pete that he's received death threats since his Monday announcement that gay kids kill themselves because they intuitively know they are immoral. And that doesn't bother Barber, because he knows that gays are really just mad at God.
You know, scripture says ‘woe to those who call evil good and good evil.’ When homosexual activists and other ‘progressives’ in the pro-sin movement are exposed to biblical truth, their reaction is invariably visceral and loud. There’s ‘nothing new under the sun.’ This ‘kill the messenger’ strategy is age-old and knee-jerk. These folks, as a matter of course, call evil good and good evil. Of course their gripe isn’t with me. I’m nothing. I’m nobody. Their problem is with their Creator, the natural order and the fallen state of mankind. They’re just lost. I merely repeated what God’s objective truth about sexual sin has always held: That heterosexual fornication, to include adultery, is sin and that homosexual behavior is always immoral and unnatural. Scripture is unequivocal on these points throughout both the Old and New Testaments. So, essentially I said nothing new. As you know I’ve never been one to mince words or sugarcoat things. That’s how God hardwired me. I also shared my opinion that many of those caught-up in the homosexual lifestyle intuitively know that such conduct is sin – that it’s both immoral and unnatural behavior. Scripture warns that ‘the wages of sin is death.’ Homosexual behavior is demonstrably destructive physically, emotionally and spiritually.
UNRELATED: Both Barber and Porno Pete have complained about the above "trick photo" I regularly use on Barber-related posts, claiming that Barber's fey pose was created with "special camera tricks." Seriously.

Pastor Ken Hutcherson Issues Bizarre DOMA Warning: This Cobra Will Bite You

This has nothing to do with the Bronx Zoo. Probably. Hutcherson, you may recall, led the failed effort to block Washington state's Referendum 71, which grants most of the rights of marriage, but not the name.

(Source: Towleroad via Pam's House Blend)

Fastest Growing Big Cities

The U.S. Census has ranked the fastest growing cities whose metro populations exceed one million. My exploding hometown of Orlando ranks at sixth fastest-growing with 2.1M residents. When my family moved there in 1971, the population was around 60,000. The day after we arrived, Walt Disney World opened.

HomoQuotable - Mike Rogers

"The site has accomplished much in its seven years. Congressmen and Senators who were first reported on here are no longer in office. Political operatives who worked against us are now on our team. The mainstream media has been educated and it’s no longer considered off-limits to report on the hypocrisy of closeted, anti-gay politicians. (Outlets like the Philadelphia Inquirer and Superstaion WGN now take BlogActive reporting as a primary source — times sure have changed.) What a wild ride it has been. Now it’s time to close a chapter on the site and to move in a new direction. I will no longer be blogging at BlogActive." - Outing kingpin Mike Rogers, announcing the end of the site that terrorized political closet cases since 2004.

Take a bow, Mr. Rogers.

San Francisco Giants...Nightclubs "Play Ball" on strip! Promo pushes Black & Orange & Gear Logo!

In a move to drum up business during the upcoming baseball season (Home Opener April 8th) a handful of late-night hot (as in curvaceous and sexy) spots are offering up discounts for patrons who turn up at the door in Black & Orange (Giants team colors) and/or logo gear.

Go! Giants! Go!

Obviously, the owners are hopping on the bandwagon in the wake of the Giants fever that erupted the last championship season, which resulted in packed pubs around the city.

Clubs like - Roaring 20's, Broadway Showgirls, Larry Flint's Hustler Club, and the HungryI (to name a few) - are launching the ballsy in-your-face promo in a bold-faced effort to steal some of the thunder (and cash) out of the greasy hands of pub owners who scrambled to serve houses packed with thirsty baseball enthusiasts (and made a killing in the process).

Do 'ya suppose the strippers will be teasing Giants fans in skimpy "G" strings highlighted with Orange & Black frilly flourishes in all the erotic places?

Dudes, don't forget your rubbers - er - sneakers, eh?


Baseball caps a favorite!

GOProud Backs School Vouchers

Calling on "gay left" groups to drop their "dishonest attacks" on Christian school vouchers, today GOProud issued a press release endorsing a House bill that would pay Washington DC parents to put their kids in private religious schools.
This legislation, sponsored by Speaker John Boehner, would restore and expand the school voucher program for low-income children in the District of Columbia. “Congress has an opportunity to empower parents and dramatically improve educational opportunities for low-income children in DC by passing this important legislation,” said Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud. “Speaker Boehner’s legislation builds on a successful education reform program that has yielded 91 percent student graduation rates for student participants,” continued LaSalvia. “Unfortunately, President Barack Obama is prioritizing loyalty to national teachers unions over the children and parents of DC by strongly opposing the District’s voucher program.”
What the proposed legislation would do, actually, aside from providing a huge financial boon to anti-gay Christian institutions, is further erode the available funding for public schools who would then see diminished enrollment. That's a typically GOProud "fuck the poor" strategy. GOProud president Jimmy LaSalvia: "Liberal opponents of school choice shouldn’t dishonestly use 'gay rights' as a weapon to destroy a program that improves education for low-income children in D.C." Note the Christianist scare quotes around "gay rights." Somebody's trying to quisle their way back into CPAC.

UPDATE: People For The American Way reports that the House bill has passed.
While Tea Party Republicans are claiming to take the high ground on government spending, they vote to throw millions of dollars at reviving a program that the Department of Education has shown is ineffective. After studying the program for four years, the Department found that use of a voucher had no statistically significant impact on overall student achievement in math or reading. The results were the same when the Department looked only at students who had applied from schools in need of improvement. As the Obama Administration stated in opposing the bill: "The Federal Government should focus its attention and available resources on improving the quality of public schools for all students. Private school vouchers are not an effective way to improve student achievement." So if the program doesn't educate kids effectively, what exactly does it do?

For one thing, it helps religious schools stay open. This voucher program has been in existence since 2003, and more than three fourths of the students in it have used these government funds for private religious schools. While Congress is slashing government spending on public education in communities across the country, the House decided to throw a few million dollars to keep religious schools afloat. This raises significant First Amendment concerns.

Freep This Indiana Poll

You know what to do. Vote "harm."

Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Promotion

A new campaign from the Men's Sexual Health Project:
With the kind support of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, M*SHP will be unveiling a program to provide emergency HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in a streamlined and community-appropriate way. PEP has been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for high risk sexual exposures since 2006, but very few men in NYC are aware of what PEP is or how to get it. PEP is using HIV medications after a potential exposure to prevent HIV infection. Study after study has demonstrated that PEP works, but if people are unaware of the intervention (or it is hard to get), PEP doesn’t really have a chance to make an impact. Time is of the essence. PEP has to be started within 36 hrs to have maximal effect and continued for 28 days after exposure. Lack of knowledge and medical barriers (like long, unpleasant ER visits, financial concerns, etc) makes PEP nearly inaccessible. M*SHP will introduce its new program dubbed “M*SHP minus 36:00” to provide instant, free access to PEP drugs and connection to follow up services and care.
Learn more at the above link or on their Facebook page.

Quote Of The Day - Sarah Palin

"It’s unbelievable (literally) the rhetoric coming from President Obama today. This is coming from he who is manipulating the U.S. energy supply. President Obama is once again giving lip service to a 'new energy proposal'; but let’s remember the last time he trotted out a 'new energy proposal' – nearly a year ago to the day. The main difference is today we have $4 a gallon gas in some places in the country. This is no accident. This administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security." - Sarah Palin, noting on her Facebook page that Obama has been in office for "nearly three years." If you count 26 months as three years, that is.

San Franciso Giants...win Tuesday! Final Exhibition game today!

Brandon Belt hits pay dirt?

Thanks to an RBI double by Pablo Sandoval in the 2nd inning and a solo home run by Nate Shierholtz in the eighth, the San Francisco Giants walked away "winners" last night in their match against the Oakland A's with a 4-1 victory.

No doubt, Gio Gonzalez was the scorn of fans, today, though; after all, the A's ballplayer allowed the unthinkable - two runs and 3 hits - in 6 1/2  sloppy innings.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention - that in spite of walking three Giants - Gonzalez managed to strike out four quality Giants during the course of the game.

Meanwhile, as I pen this post, players and fans alike are gearing up for a final exhibition game between the Giants and the Oakland A's at San Francisco's AT & T park this afternoon at 12:45 p.m.

Go! Giants!

By the way, the scuttlebutt continues as to whether Brandon Belt will nab a spot on the Opening Day roster (at press time, anyway).

"Conventional wisdom says he's not ready, but he's held his own against tough pitching and plays a real good first base. There would be no spot duty about it, aside from especially tough lefties, he would be the regular first baseman and would hit seventh, which would make it easier on him," general manager Brian Sabean stated matter-of-fact.

If you read between the lines, it's a go, me-thinks!

The Giants have until 8 a.m. Thursday morning to announce their exciting 25-man line-up.

News at 11!

See 'ya at the ballpark, eh?


Great American past-time revs up in San Francisco!

Instant Gay Wedding

Women24 reports from South Africa:
We’ve heard of blind dates – but the thought of marrying someone the first time you get hitched to them is a little crazy, isn’t it? As part of a reality wedding show, Lloyd Kandlin and Shane Everts came face to face for the first time on their wedding day. The couple got hitched on Saturday, 26 March, in a stylish ceremony worth R1.4 million. Lloyd Kandin was chosen as the first groom and had to decide between 5 bachelors who he has never met but only spoke to on radio. Under the pseudonym Lekker Larry, Lloyd proposed to proposed to Shane Everts (Hastige Hendrik) at the Grand Daddy Hotel – each of them were wearing masks.
At least there wasn't a rose ceremony.

Elizabeth Taylor...cocktail dress on exhibit! Unveiled at Lori's Diner in San Francisco!


The legendary screen siren - Elizabeth Taylor - may have passed to spirit last week (my tribute will be posted in the next few days) but the fascination over every detail of her life persists!

For example, in anticipation of a surge of interest at their eatery, Lori's Diner (San Francisco) is placing a lavender tulle cocktail dress on display which was once adorned (and owned) by old violet eyes!

I strolled by there bright-and-early this morning to take a gander - but, unfortunately - the valuable piece of memorabilia was hidden behind a shroud (of sorts) until the official unveiling at 2 p.m. this afternoon.

In spite of the drapery, though, a few precise beams of light managed to slip through the sacred curtain - and ultimately - ended up sending a thousand little rainbows this way 'n that inside the popular eatery.

Hollywood Historian - Barry Barsamian - loaned the coveted piece to the restaurant so that fans and patrons alike could enjoy it.

Pop in and take a peak.

After all, it's a dazzling reminder of the fine swath that Ms. Taylor cut, whenever she ventured out the door for a public appearance (late or not).

See 'ya there!


Elizabeth was still magnetic at age 79!

Sen. Rand Paul: Public Workers Don't Contribute To Their Pensions

That will come as a shock to public workers.



TRAILER: Indoctrination, The Movie

More about the movie is here.

(Tipped by Jmg reader Andy)

Bear Central

Just launched by Armistead Maupin's husband, Chris Turner.