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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gory pictures

It got me to smirk when I saw The Star's front page yesterday. It stated that during the Raya 'balik kampung' instead of just telling people to be careful on the road, the government is putting up huge gory pictures of accident scenes to deter people from driving recklessly. Seriously?!

                                                                 From 'The Star'

Gee, I wonder where they got the idea from. Oh, wait didn't they come up with the same thing for smokers on ciggarette boxes? And how well did that turn out? Are the number of smokers going down after their campaign? Even raising prices did not deter those smokers!

I asked most of my smoking friends about how they feel when they take a ciggie and saw that gory pics of lung cancer and those disgusting over-exagerrated pictures on the box? They merely answered me, it doesn't affect them at all. What's inside the body burning cannot be seen and unless they are happy smoking, who gives a hoot about those pictures? LOL

So, I think the gory accident pictures will not do much help. Yes, the government is doing something to lower accident cases. After all, every single year instead of people celebrating the festivals, some families have to prepare for funerals for their loved ones due to horrific accidents on highways. Sad, isn't it?

Actually, it's all about the driver. If the driver really loves his family and himself, he would not drive recklessly. Besides, he should also know his limits. If he's too tired, why continue driving and risking lives on the road? Further, talking on the handphone is one more thing. Most accidents happened while the driver's on his hp.

If you don't think you're good enough of a driver, don't drive. Let someone else who is trusted and more careful to drive. There are precious lives on the road and if you are not careful, it may harm not only you but others and loved ones.

So, drive carefully on the road- SERIOUSLY!

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