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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One on one: Misha Mansoor.

The metal world seems tobe obsessed with Hybrids and Experiments. Recent example: Djent- the result ofirrepressible muting techniques and the sheer monstrosity of physics meetsmetal. However, what Periphery and acclaimed guitarist Misha Mansoor build outof this monstrosity-truly transcends the limits of human comprehension. Withjust the right mix of polyrhythmic attacks and melodic know how- Misha and hissix-piece kill machine incorporate fierce polymetric timings with tuneful butraw vocals and powerful riffing to concoct their own unique style of hard nosedmetal that is looking at laying waste to any new venues across the world

  Rumor has it, that you started off as a drummer and thenmoved to guitar, what led to the transformation? When did you first pick up theguitar, and what has been the major step in your playing that helped you get towhere you are now?

I started drums when i was 14 and focused on that until i was 17. I had to stopbecause thats when i went to Uni and i couldnt practice there, so i decided tofocus my time on the guitar which i had been playing kinda casually up untilthat point. I was really into Dream Theater, and i spent a lot of time learningDT songs and solos. Since about then i have been recording my songs, and thatprocess has really shaped me into the player i am today.

When did you first start listening to metal? Your firstmetal cd? Tell us about your influences, both early on and now?

I started maybe when i was 15 or 16, its hard to say. I am not really sure whatmy first real metal album was. Maybe Demanufacture by Fear Factory. Earlier onmy influences were Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Tool and the Deftones, and thesedays is more fusiony players such as Allan Holdsworth and Guthrie Govan,composers like Nobuo Uematsu and electronic artists like Telefon Tel Aviv.

For an aspiring metal- guitarist, which aspects of guitar-playing do you thinkdeserve utmost importance?

I think playing tight is extremely important. Being able to lock into a clickor a drummer who is playing to one. Metal is a very precise style of music forhow chaotic it is. I also think it is getting a bit stale and that i definitelyappreciate the artists who try to fuse other styles with metal to make it moreinteresting.

For the sake of newbie’s, tell us in detail what ‘Djent’ is all about?

Its just a sound. I didnt coin the term, Meshuggah did, but its just describingthe sound of a metallic sounding palm mute that happens when you do a 4 stringpower chord and palm mute heavily and pick hard. I really liked that sound andstarted seeking gear and techniques that would facilitate getting that kind ofpalm muted sound.

In an earlier interview, you mentioned your fascination forElectronic Music. What are the other Genres, besides Metal and Electronic,which you appreciate? Have you ever considered doing Non-metal projects? Ihonestly could find a band in just about any genre i would likely enjoy, i amjust very picky with music in general, so within those genres i may only like ahandful of bands at most. I would definitely do a non metal project if it was somethingthat was inspiring!

Tell us in detail about the guitars and gear that you use in the studio and inlive sets? What presets do you normally use?

In the studio i use my EBMM JP7 for 7 string stuff and Blackmachine B2 for 6string stuff. All my guitar tones are done with the Fractal Axefx Ultra directto the interface. I usuallly make my own presets from scratch. Up untilrecently i was using my Engl Invader live but i will be switching to Axefxsoon. I have several live guitars, but probably my current favorites are myBernie Rico Jr. Jekyll 7 string and my Blackmachine B6.

Your guitar usage varies between 6,7and 8 stringers. How do you think thatcontributes to your signature sound?

Honestly i write differently on each guitar. 95% of the music is 6 or 7 string,i rarely find myself to be creative on the 8, but it all comes down to whichguitar inspires me when i have a riff or when im just jamming on the guitar.The 6 string stuff lends itself to more chordal and notey kinds of riffs forme, and the 7 string lends itself to more groove based and atmospheric kind ofriffing. The 8 is just weird for me still, i like it as a concept but i rarelycome up with ideas i really like on it.

How did the concept of Bulb come up? How is Bulb different from your band‘periphery’?

It came up by accident. Bulb has just kinda become my online/onstage persona.Any song i write will become a Bulb song, but then usually become somethingelse, like a Periphery song eventually. Periphery is my live band and has adefinite sound and is the band i put everything into, it is my priority andwill hopefully be for a very long time. If on the other hand i were to do aBulb album, i have no idea what it would sound like, it could be almostanything at this point.

How important are lyrics in your scheme of things/ approach towardssong-making?

To me they arent terribly important, im neither good at writing vocals orlyrics. I leave that up to the respective singers. I might tweak vocal linesand definitely spend a lot of time with vocal rhythms and phrasing once theyare somewhat established, but the lyrics i usually just leave to the singer.

Tell us about your recording procedures (Bulb-wise). Any tips for beginners? Doyou believe that only technology can get you good sound?

Technology wont get you good sound. Working with what you have and trying toMAKE a good sound for yourself will. Just keep tweaking, and try to makesomething that sounds good to you.

What’s next in line for ‘Bulb’ as a project?

Not really sure, at this point in time im focusing on Periphery and Producingthe other bands and projects im working with. So i honestly have no plans forit at the moment. Perhaps further down the road!

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